Tuesday, February 04, 2025

"Ladies' Liquor and Cake"

I am lucky to know JS, the wonderful poet and human, whose brainchild "Ladies' Liquor and Cake" is.

When the invitation to this "essential frivolity" came a few weeks ago, it urged: "These are desperate times and we must cut to the quick: good company (essential), cake (of course) and liquor (naturally)."

I was happy to attend. Now I'm full of good company and cake, sushi (it's my Boss Day), I made time for a yoga sesh, I'm deep into a couple of good books, and also At came by and I got a good cuddle in with the best human cuddle baby I've made! What I can control is going really well.

Outside is still a mess.

Pic: JS had a place for people to post uplifting upcoming events at "Ladies' Liquor and Cake." Her baby's name is Scout too, and that's yet another reason I like being at her place.


Nicole said...

I need to start my own local ladies' liquor and cake. This is a brilliant idea! I'm having early Galentines on Friday, maybe I should make a cake for it!

Gillian said...


Life of a Doctor's Wife said...

"What I can control is going really well." This is SUCH a great framing. I may steal it to use as a mantra. (As long as it remains true, lol.) Love the idea of Ladies' Liquor and Cake. Sounds fun and bolstering.

StephLove said...

There's been a lot of cake at our house lately.

Jeanie said...

I had to look up Boss Day on your link. Great idea. This sounds like a wonderful gathering with the perfect name! Cake sounds divine. (So does the rest of it!)

Lisa's Yarns said...

What a fun gathering!! And I love the boss day concept. We med more arbitrary holidays to add some light to our life! I had a great blogger lunch which totally filled my cup and was such a source of light for me!!

NGS said...

It is a mess and it's just getting messier. *sigh* At least we have cute dogs in our lives.

Nance said...

"What I can control is going really well." THIS is genius. I'm going to put this on a sticky note for myself and remember to Compartmentalize when I can.

maya said...

Oooh! A Galentines sounds lovely, Nicole! Invite me :)!

maya said...


maya said...

Use as a mantra even if it's not strictly true, lol.)

maya said...

It has been that kind of month, Steph! Hugs.

maya said...

Not to brag, but I think it's the best thing I've ever invented, Jeanie. Haha. It felt good to be in company with like-minded folk.

maya said...

Can't wait to hear about the FL meetup, Lisa!

maya said...

Gosh, yes. Bringing the joy and the madcap hilarity.

maya said...

I'm sure I originally got this from you, Nance. :) But I like the idea of all of us trading solutions back and forth in these times. Hugs.

my tiny domestic tragedies

Big A seemed a bit better yesterday. But he didn't think so. I think he likes being taken care of. It makes me think of my hero, June Jo...