I tried something new... I applied to a medical humanities conference over the weekend, and... I got accepted! I think I can use professional development funds to attend this one. (This reminds me that I ought to submit poems to journals. Some poems got picked up by anthologies last year, but I didn't actually send out any all last year. That's terrible. I shouldn't be so afraid of rejection that I never get accepted!)
I tidied my closet... and everything looks so bright and boutique-y. I catch myself going in there like a dork just to look at it.
I got so many recommendation letters for students and support letters for colleagues done. I was talking to Big A about how I spend too much time on these when the prevailing advice is to get them done as quickly as possible. Reason #457865 to love him, he said of course it makes sense for me to do things in a way that leaves me feeling satisfied. (People depend on these things; I never feel like I can just dash them off.)
Pic: A sord (I had to look it up) of mallards on a floe on the Red Cedar.
I'm so proud of you! First, congrats on getting accepted to the conference and YES put more of that poetry out in the world. If it gets rejected, it gets rejected, but at least you tried, and there is a zero percent chance that it will get accepted if you don't send it out! Also, it's so wonderful how you take the time to really put in effort for letters for your colleagues. I am sure it means a lot.
Also - closet!!! Love it!
5calls is a great resource.
I understand the whole submission angst thing, having gone through it with my former students. There's so much more to it than a reluctance or fear of rejection. Having said that, I do hope you put more of your work out there. It's important.
Congrats on the conference! I think it sounds like a terrific opportunity.
Your letters will be much appreciated; the people came to you knowing and wanting the kind of words you would provide. Anything less would not have satisfied anyone. XO
Those are all good things.
Nice. Share closet.
Congrats on getting accepted to the conference. I want to hear all the details. I also want to play in your closet!!
Thank you for all the ways you actively seek to make the world better. Reference letters are activism, too, in a world that seeks to make us numbe to others. Lots of gratitude all around. It’s been a hard few weeks. ❤️
-Subway :)
I first heard about 5 calls last week, and they have helped me in making calls this week! So thankful for them. I love all of your things, you're right, you have a lot to feel good about.
Thank you, friend!! And yes, please preach, I need to hear it!
Thank you, Nance. I know you are busy, but I hope to email you about submissions. You mentioned celebrating rejections once, and I am curious about that... I'll reach out after I've submitted to a few places...
Thank you, StephLove <3
Thank you, Gillian. I will try.
The conference is NIH-funded and in Texas... I'll need a hat, won't I? (The closet is not big enough to play in--but it does have lots to explore--the next time you're here?)
Steph--Sorry it has been hard out there in the world. And thank you for framing ref. letters as justice work because it helped me understand why they always seemed so meaningful to me.
I hope things feel better. What is a virtual meal that would make you feel better? Consider it sent! XO
Yup, grateful for 5Calls. Thank you for celebrating my small wins, Jules!
The humanities conference sounds really interesting. I hope you'll share more about it. And yes! Do the poems! Thanks for the 5 calls link. I've just been looking things up and that works but e other sounds easier and perhaps more complete. Isn't a clean closet the best? I do that too -- gaze in proud accomplishment! Thanks for coming by Marmelade Gypsy today!
Thank you for sharing that 5calls resource! I hadn’t heard of it. Having a script is helpful. Congrats on being accepted to the conference!! And a tidy closet is so very appealing!!
Oh, thank you so much for sharing 5calls! I think they were the same resource I used in 2016 (sigh) and I was trying to remember the name of it this week. I need to start calling my reps, especially necessary living in a red state.
Congrats on being accepted to the conference. That's so cool!
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