Showing posts with label Poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poetry. Show all posts

Friday, January 10, 2025

renewal and respair

you take my hand
hold my body like a prayer
in your hands

in your hands
your kind, capable hands
I arrive alive


Pic: This came from Rebecca Solnit's feed, a good reminder of the steady work of respair. 

I'm so grateful for my family who are so good at putting me back together.

Tuesday, January 07, 2025

heart with the old

I just want to say yes            somewhere, I want 
since we must begin             to watch this again:                            

seeing my problem              through lit windows
and your proof                     where we're made 
                                                                                  without our own consent
                                                                                  like the worst bargain   

Note: I liked writing and reading these couplets in columns, rows, and just mixing it up even diagonally. Somehow it seems to work as long as it ends up where we're born without our consent!

Pics: Last year this calendar lived on my desk at work and brought me joy all year long. Each jar-shaped month was topped by a cheery sprig of flowers and as I shuffled the cards in the bamboo holder from month to month, the composition of the bouquet changed over the year. I was sad about having to throw it out. But I didn't have to throw it out. I cut off the calendar part of the cards and now it lives on as an arrangement of flowers. Perhaps I could add a small picture of Scout to it.

Sunday, January 05, 2025

Bending Meaning: Haiku, P.F.Chang, and "Peelings"

I'll never get used to hearing Big A talking on the phone to his colleagues and casually asking them to send him a haiku. Haiku is merely the hospital's internal secure messaging system, but it nevertheless sounds so charming. Although at other times I'm a bit stern and feel like if they're going to appropriate poetic terminology, they better be structuring their medical notes 5/7/5, you know?


Last year, Big A had a recurrent dream where Scout was accompanying him to a bunch of classes at Kalamazoo, his old undergraduate campus. In one dream, it was a poetry class where the instructor had displayed some of their published works on the desk at the front of the class. A can't remember the titles, but the poet's name was P.F. Chang--like the Asian restaurant chain. I wonder if Big A was thinking of Victoria Chang but was also a bit hungry?


I've been hearing this catchy Telugu film song on a number of reels and wanted to download it for my playlist. The song is about how the heroine is plagued by carnal feelings for the hero--"vochundai feelings-su" (I get these feelings). So I searched "Feelings" on I-Tunes, and nope, nothing. Turns out it's spelled "Peelings"--all the better to express the way it might be pronounced with emphasis in Telugu, I guess? Not really a word with a sultry vibe for me, however--it makes me think of dinner prep... or a skin condition.

Pic: The Red Cedar right behind L's house. From another walk this week. 

Saturday, January 04, 2025

in a time before this one

I had just enough left over 
for flowers
~distant and beautiful as frescoes~
or some oranges 
~contained and remote as moons~

I could not choose between
          them then 
I had no one to ask 
          and also
no one to answer to

so bright and sonorous
was my ~solitude~
so replaceable and bold
my ~independence~

Pic: I thought it was cool how the Red Cedar river had flooded and frozen into a pane over autumn leaves here. (Seen on a  walk with L through the woods yesterday.)

Friday, January 03, 2025


I woke up to see that a writer friend had tagged me in her exhortation to read more books in 2025 because she'd used a picture of our Little Free Library. And of course the week has been full of various enjoyable year-end roundups of reading lists. Then Lisa wondered about my top books of 2024... The thing is, I don't have a digital record of my reading. Reading is what I've always loved doing but also kind of my work work. So it never made sense (for me) to quantify my reading by hours/pages/titles. When I read for pleasure, like other things I do for pleasure, I tend to do it rather whimsically and for as long--or as little--as I want to. It's not very efficient. But that feels perfect to me.

Lisa's question made me curious, though. So I went to check on my scribbly physical planner, where I usually note what I'm reading "for fun" to compile this top-12. (I think these titles are a mix of 2023 and 2024 and are in no particular order.)

Ta-Nehisi Coates, The MessageCatherine Newman, SandwichPaul Murray, The Bee StingPercival Everett, JamesKaveh Akbar, Martyr!Sally Rooney, IntermezzoFady Joudah, […]Tony Tulathimutte, RejectionEmma Cline, The GuestYiyun Li, Wednesday’s Child: StoriesTania James, LootElliot Page, Pageboy: A MemoirTeju Cole, Tremor. (Fun fact: Teju Cole used to comment on this blog a very long time ago.)

Pic: OM's Facebook Reel of our Little Free Library. I did a quick search, and this is the first picture of it in the snow, I think. I love that our neighborhood keeps it so well stocked. It used to be all my responsibility in the other place where we had it from 2012-2016.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

new year thoughts

I finally finished the paper proposal based on disability in Jhumpa Lahiri's Roman Stories I've been embroidering in my head for a while. It's going to two conferences. I don't know if I can actually travel to both of them--but those are bridges for later.
Big A got a holiday bonus and I got to give away lots of it--most of it to PAMA and PCRF. But we dug up some more for Lansing organizations like the Refugee Development Centerour local queer community space--Salus Center,  and Nation Outside a Michigan-based advocacy group led by the formerly incarcerated. 
I started a poem (and then ran out of steam): 
accidents constellate our past
hope peoples our future
we need imagination
to survive
I survived 2024. I spoke up, and spoke my truth no matter how small my voice started or how repetitive I thought I would sound.
And I'm grateful for everyone who listened even when I didn't say the right thing or say things the right way. I hope 2025 lets me walk gently on this Earth in solidarity with other living beings.
And now, as Rilke says, we get to welcome the New Year "Full of things that have never been.” Happy New Year!

Pic: Nu was hosting some friends for NYE, so Big A and I took a walk to the rooftop bar downtown. This party was loud, but the music and drinks were strong. I thought I was getting a photo of the fireworks on the skyline, but I think I got one of the the first emergency vehicle of 2025 instead. It reminded me a bit of NYEs past in NYC and Chennai as we walked past choruses of people wishing us a happy new year on our way home.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

life is for everyone

oh friend, pain is trying
I so regret all  the things 
I didn't do with this body
in all its many instances 
and interruptions of love

to how my mother calls me
Kanna, my eye, and claims 
she loves both  her children
the same--how can I choose
between either eye--she'll ask
how sentimental  these stories
we tell ourselves, despite haste,
the blade clenched to scapegoat 
joy, awe--spliced by anxiety as
faithful as any real physical law

Oh friend, in  the heart  shapes
of our language, I hear how we
are larger  than  you, than  me, 
how survival means we live... 
not forgetting what we live for

Note: On our walk today, Big A talked about his swollen, arthritic finger joint and it reminded me of when Lisa had posted a picture of her RA flare and broke my heart when she noted how it hurt when she held hands with her youngest because he's too young to know not to hold "too hard." And that got me thinking of friends and family who must consider/monitor/battle health conditions and how we all do our best with the bodies we've accrued over the decades. But also how the body is a stand-in for "more." I loved this article on how Kindness improves our health.  

Pic: KM and JB's wonderful collection of menorahs at their Hanukkah party. I wish I'd gotten a picture when they were magnificently lit up.

Friday, December 27, 2024

in the end if there is no end

I meant  to write  about sunlit Delphi,  the old gods secret in the shadows
but here in Michigan, the old  gods are past, and the sky does what it does 
whatever we dream will be better than this, better than here, better than now

I set out a place for my guru to sit in, laid out offerings of flowers and fruit
the grit of river sand, screams from my childbirths, and grief from our fights
I never knew the words to prayer, or I've forgotten, yet wait for fortune to fall 

for lives are libraries of restored light: take all you want, we're still returned here
 our words, oceans bending to belong in every mouth; other words lie under ours
 could this be our quiet power, our godly levitation--loving and freeing at once?
Note: I know what I want the last line to do, but it's not doing it right yet... I'll keep fiddling. 

Pic: The Red Cedar this afternoon--icy, grey, and deserted. The snow has receded, temperatures are climbing, and everything seems wet, grimy, and sodden. 

Thursday, December 26, 2024

from the other side of Christmas

I'm not sure how it happened, but when Nu came down for Christmas--and while I was still listening to carols and checking on the Christmas breakfast pudding--Big A decided to tell them how much baking soda you'd need to mix with cocaine to make crack. 

But the rest of Christmas was more traditional (for us, anyway). Big A was off Thanksgiving this year, so he's working over Christmas--this is the standard E.R. scheduling tradeoff. But the kids have learned to accommodate celebrations around his schedule over the years. I started to wake the kids up when A was on his way home from work after his night shift so when he got home and decompressed for a bit, we could go to cider, stockings, presents, and then Christmas pudding brunch, lazing around, snuggles, napping, movies, biriyani, and so on.

It kind of felt like the nicest Christmas in a few years. The kids have had a couple of rocky years recently, but we're on the other side of that now one way or the other. It's also our second year of Christmas without Scout--no one approaches his level of enthusiasm for Christmas, which will always be bittersweet. 

I put LifeStraws in everyone's stockings including my own (during an anxiety-prone week is my guess). I'd wrapped everyone's presents long before I left for Greece. That was a while ago and I lowkey forgot some of the details, so I was nicely surprised as people opened their presents too. Ha. As for myself, my massage budget has been replenished, and I've been promised a trip to the Grand Canyon in October! I'd mentioned to Big A that I had poetry accepted to three anthologies this year and that I'd like to maybe get a book of poetry out into the world in the coming year--and I got a stack of autographed books of poetry including Mosab Abu Toha's for inspiration. That was the sweetest present.

Pic: Nu being a silly Christmas elf, and all of their siblings--Max, Huck, At--looking at them adoringly. There's a sliver of Big A still in scrubs in the corner and the clutter of opened and unopened presents all around them. 

P.S. In the comments to yesterday's post, Nance used the term "sanitation worker." I'm not sure if it was intended as a gentle correction, but it worked as one. It immediately sounded like a more courteous term, and when I looked up how the relevant union refered to themselves, it seemed the term of choice. So it will be what I will use going forward. As the better Maya said, "Now that I know better, I [can] do better."

Friday, December 20, 2024

when we edit the beast

the sadness scratching out of the dirt of your body             like an animal           is gentle         is a gentleman     who says, after you       

I can only guess what you're after      what you think I'm after    our lives are short       you beg me to remember the risks

but I know we arrived dancing       even before we were born                    and even when dead we may     return with new things to say
Pic: Backyard winter wonderland. I especially love how the snow erases all our landscaping mistakes and covers up our many unfinished projects...

Nu spent yesterday hoping today would NOT be declared a snow day since today was the last day before Christmas break and there were all sorts of fun activities planned at school. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

between the glass of dreams

they say every poem is a ghost story
keeping its secrets, still looking on in 
what I remember is opening the door

knowing this made surprise and sense 

the curious ritual of intuition and touch--
feeling one's way as though blindfolded
seeing everything entire as a visionary

I stay the same; I've never felt this way 
Pic: Christmas coziness--our tree has every ornament (that survived our many moves) from the kids' kindergarten ouevre upwards. 

I told Engie we don't do advent calendars. And that was true, but this is Nu's last year at home and I thought I should at least try it? Big A and Nu like jam, so I got the (what I like to think of as the anti-Nazi jam) Bonne Maman calendar, and... they rarely barely remember to open it. I keep reminding them though, because I love those darling little jars when they're empty. And oh, what a sweet Bonne Maman advent calendar proposal story!

Saturday, December 07, 2024

the resistance

I am a little nobody
anyway, you're about 
               to tell me how I've sinned
               and now have to pay for it
yet don't we all suffer
for our own pleasure
               wanting to find it or die for it
               an animal snarl between words
so you hold the book
you ask the questions
               I turn the page, I lose my place
               I close the book, can't turn back 
I learn to ignore the door
make it my job to send 
               messages so secret only kisses
               taste the words we're thinking
I've done all the things: graded everything, uploaded all the recommendation letters, reviewed all three journal articles that had been languishing in my folder, designed a take-home comparative essay for the Gaza class that feels do-able. (Steph asked if it would be a pass/fail and I'm asking the university admin if that would be ok.) 
Pic: Koi in this weather seem miraculous to me... Radiology Gardens. 

Tuesday, December 03, 2024


people meet prayers        meet poems        meet promises        in overcrowded hearts      in empty situations        our fists in the face of fate      of gods        facing clandestine enemies        for survival eaten raw        what feeds us        what do we feed on          whom do we feed         where do we go        how do we go home        go back      go back to where we came from        home, home        home, home on the rage          what parts do we play        how many parts do we break into       spinning like stars        like dancers       like fragments        there is no hiatus to hate        sometimes they never suffer        but they never resurrect        in this life's assignment         I remember their faces      their names       what they used to do        and that they used to be
Note: Mahmoud al-Madhoun, chef and co-founder of Gaza Soup Kitchen, who fed over 3000 people a day using whatever supplies he could scrounge up was targeted and killed by a drone strike this week. Three workers with World Central Kitchen were also killed this week (seven were killed earlier this year in April.) In a week where food and feeding people was dominant for most of us, I'm so broken by these daily reports of the targeted deaths of those trying to feed people in this engineered famine. 

Sunday, December 01, 2024

a kind (of) bereavement

            our old house has new folks 
                       and so... now we are ghosts
              no one sees although we lived
                    here barely 12  years ago 
         morning  mists cling  to  us 
                        ghostly as nights of regret 
             our older selves are yet silent, 
                      uncertain, unknown outside
            we find we forget to exhale
                         are reminded there are no 
             songs in sighs and although
                          not quite death, cold-ness 
                 takes away our breath, leaves 
                          us to mourn a different lack 
                 of warmth despite being back
Note: I felt a bit strange walking on our old street in Yellow Springs early in the day. I think I imagined that a neighbor or two would be out and that we'd have a warm impromptu reunion. I had plans with friends later in the day, but wanted the chance encounter too! Speaking of friends, I'm ordering a few copies of Rebecca Kuder's Dear Inner Critic Workbook to give as Christmas presents. 
Pic: Our descent into Glen Helen for a long hike yesterday. Back in the day, when we lived across from the Glen, I feel we solved many of our parenting dilemmas and disagreements over a walk through these woods.

Monday, November 25, 2024

on reading

“Make an effort to separate yourself from the internet. Read books.”
― Timothy Snyder, On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century

my eyes are giant jaws
know how to disappear 
me into books, let pages 
wrap and  swallow  me
like  a  tsunami  shelter 
I fix pages over my ears 
as  screens--under arms
suffering fins and wings 

Words? They're reckless 
things, they'll say/soak up
just anything: look/listen
how they make hope/fear/
freedom come true just by
knowing and remembering 
watch us waiting our turn 
...our time to sing/to sting
Note: The "to sting" inspiration might just come from Nu's baby lovey, Silky the Bee, who used to pleasantly nuzzle "buzz-buzz" and then when you least expected it go "'ting-'ting." 
Pic: Baker Woods yesterday with LB, who's back from Oregon (Yay). The woods are so bare now, but we still managed to get a bit lost because we hadn't been in so long and so many trees had come down in the interim.

Friday, November 22, 2024

first snow

a babe raises its mouth
to a morsel, to a cry 
we don't know 

fates fall from the sky
as unrelenting and
absurd as dust

don't ask me if I'm ok
I hope you can see
it's never forever

certainty lies: blatantly
yet also reposes soft
Pic: It snowed yesterday and it was bearable because it was cozy inside.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

snatches of what I tell myself as I fall asleep

summer will       give us back      the world
now is a time     to retreat         and recover 
I promise             I promise     there will be 
reasons to celebrate      reasons    to  sing... 

survival      isn't a solo piece   it's all of us 
in symphony      or ceremony     or clamor
with our love and hope  and our obstinacy
and... our spite     showing up        to  heal

Pic: Huck and Max aren't pleased about where we are either. (I can't remember why they look so pissed here--probably because I got up off the couch?)

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Escape Sonnet

I wonder where survival will take me tomorrow
if after this night there will be another one
I remember the small things we said
in the small hours
of the dreams
I picked out
for you

for  I 
keep little
I only need a little 
in this frail world of ours 
I wait for you to call me yours 
as I wait for you to tell me the story again 
the clench of your fist easing as it meets flowers
Pic: Under the Beal Street Bridge. 

Monday, November 11, 2024

orison for an apocalypse

let us praise the ghosts
tired as they return 
home to us 

let us pry open a time 
until nothing is left

let us pray we can shine 
redundantly into a day 
already radiant 

let us practice coming 
to the reopened door 
with hope
Pic: This is my favorite thing--sorry not the dead flowers and the gunky birdbath--but yes, the flaking Buddha statue with the verdigris and faded prayer flags and the accidental hole in his thigh and the CHIPMUNK FAMILY WHO SHELTERS INSIDE HIM. 

Saturday, November 09, 2024

there is no map to the unreal

the long lines won't let go
I cannot even write
who is it that sold the world
who birthed it breaking

words turn, unlatch, and then
run away
I am run over in the middle of 
of nowhere

the journey is now a recovery
just a few steps 
forward and then I carefully
re-turn back 

I'm eclipsed in the small forevers
of amnesias
a place I have all the time I want
to not be here

 Pic: My today, basically: books, work, puppies. It's sad and hilarious how terrified Max is of the purple ball when it rolls towards him. He was scared of it when he was a puppy and it was bigger than him, and somehow scared of it still although he's much bigger than it now. Perhaps there's some lesson there for me?

a day in Detroit

Big A made plans for us to spend the day in Detroit today. My only big decision was what I should wear to the restaurant that wouldn't b...