Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Poetry Hour: Mosab Abu Toha

I tuned into the Mosab Abu Toha event for an hour or so during a convenient break between classes and meetings. 

It was an amazing outpouring of solidarity and poetry. He read from Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear and talked about the new sounds he could add to his titular poem.

Pic: A friend grabbed a screenshot of me in a tile right next to Toha's. Something to treasure.


Nicole said...

I will look up that poetry collection!

Gillian said...


Nance said...

Wonderful! I'm glad you found the time for something so enriching and rewarding. And now you have a more tangible memento, too.

maya said...
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maya said...

Nicole--I know only the title poem... I should look up the book too.


Nance--Yes! An unexpected reward :).

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