Monday, March 18, 2024

Prep time

So the Gaza talk is done. Honestly not sure how it went because I joined online and couldn't see the audience very well. I heard "outstanding," "beautiful," and "badass" (but all from people I kinda-sorta know). Anyway, I hope it was useful and landed well. 

I spent way too much time prepping the talk--I said as much to Big A this morning while I spent another hour tweaking, tweaking, tweaking... But he said that I should spend all the time I want because it's something that matters a great deal to me. I thought this was the perfect response and philosophy.

Pic: My kids are excited to be... delighted to be... doing some Easter prep. (I don't think anyone would accuse them of spending too much time on prep. 😂)


Gillian said...


StephLove said...

Congrats on the talk. We don't prep much for Easter. I bought candy for the kids and we'll probably dye eggs sometime between now and Easter, possibly the day before.

Nance said...

I think that whatever prep time you needed to put in to make yourself feel confident and ready, at ease and knowledgeable was well spent. Only you know what you needed to feel able and prepared. After all, you didn't want to give off the vibe that you winged something that you wanted other people to care about.

We're surrounded by snow and ice here. Easter seems impossible.

Sarah said...


NGS said...

Yay!! I'm so glad it went well. Hopefully you left kernels for people to grow their own thoughts.

Nicole said...

I bet it went amazing, Maya!!!

maya said...

Thank you, friends!!

Nance and Sarah--I've always allocated time on how important things are in the general scheme of things... not how important it is to ME. I'm amazed it took me so long to realize this truth!

"is it sad or is it good?"

I made time to watch The Goat Life  on Netflix. It's on a dominant South Asian theme (immigrant laborers forced into slavery in Saudi Ar...