Monday, May 08, 2023

Let's do this!

I wasn't packed for The Empire Writes Back: Cosmopolitan England trip at 9 am, but by 9:45, I was all packed. It helped that I had a mental list and the physical list I'd shared with students to work with. Also it's a work trip, so I don't have to look "cute," just capable--so I've relied on my work uniform of pants and blouses. I know from experience that when I take off with Big A for our annual honeymoon, I stress about what to pack a lot, lot more. I have a carryon only again. I overcame the problem of how to take two weeks of shampoo and body-wash in my carryon by buying some nice bar soap and a shampoo bar. (No idea how they work yet, though.)

I'm not worried about Nu, because they have At and Big A and L to take care of them. I am worried about Huck because although she has everyone to look after her too, she's so lonely now and I don't want her to think Mama died too. 

Speaking of which, once I was packed I had nothing to do but worry about the million different things that could go wrong with my meticulously laid plans for the next two weeks. But I just checked in on student travel journals and their excitement is catching... Let's do this! 

Pic: My students and I have matching scarves on our backpacks so we can ID each other even without faces. 


Nicole said...

Safe travels!
I have always wondered about those shampoo bars, so I will be waiting for a full review when you are home!
I love love LOVE that you have an annual honeymoon and I think I should implement this into my own life.
Carryon is the way to go - but the liquids thing is kind of a bummer.
It's so hard to leave puppers because you can't tell them when you'll be back - but imagine the tail wagging and wiggles when you ARE back! xoxo

Gillian said...

Safe travels.

StephLove said...

Have a great trip!

Annual honeymoon, wow. That's a great idea, espcially since you are so often apart.

NGS said...

So brave to switch toiletry products on a trip with an unusual schedule, water, etc. I'll want a full report.

Have a wonderful time!

maya said...
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maya said...

💗 Thanks so much, everyone!!!💗

Ok, "honeymoon" is a bit of a stretch. It just means that we get away each year for at least one trip without the kids. Last year we went to New Orleans and Florida, one year we took a trip a couple of towns over and stayed there for a few days--it's not super fancy or expensive is what I'm saying.

I will report back on the shampoo-conditioner bar! (Did not wash hair today, and might not tomorrow either.)

in the leaving and the love

I wrote this as a talisman  to protect my kids a sort of post-it  for peace                             for times parents become            ...