Saturday, February 24, 2024

on a break (Winter Break)

It was so rude of Big A to cheerily text me "one more year" on New Year's day and then explain that in 2025 Nu would be off to college. I swear he has been dreaming about child-free living (precisely what I dread) for a long time now.

But we're on Winter Break at work and Nu had all-day plans with friends, so Big A and I took off by ourselves. We walked to the Breslin Center to watch the MSU women's basketball team post a 93-57 win over Rutgers, detoured to the horticultural gardens to see the orchid show, and then ended up at our favorite Sushi place before walking home to Huck and Max with our leftovers. I have to admit it was pretty nice and I can see us doing some version of this for a few decades after the kids are independent. 

Pic: I gave Big A matching Spartan hats at Christmas and promised to go to a game with him (he loves basketball). He got us tickets for a women's game because he knew I'd want to support the women's team. 


Nicole said...

So funny, I was just writing about this very thing! And...yeah. It's weird to suddenly be empty nested. Not that I am since J is still home. But I see it in my near future.

Nance said...

What a great photo!

I learned to embrace the Empty Nest--even though it took me forever to learn to cook for only 4 people! And Rick is the one who misses the boys like crazy now. When we do get a chance to be all together, it's eerily similar to The Way It Was, even though many years have gone by and there are SO's and a baby involved.

maya said...

Nicole and Nance--you're both role models in how to love and respect grown kids.

I think I'm slowly beginning to appreciate how I may be able to indulge in the many things I've put on hold when the nest is empty of kids...

Gillian said...

Nice photo.

StephLove said...

Sounds like a very nice day.

My empty nest could be further off than we thought. All signs point to North leaving (for their summer camp job in June and then college in August), but if Noah takes this May-to-November job he may not want to find a place he's not sure he can pay for once the job's over, so he may just stay here. and that would be eight more months minimum.

maya said...

Steph--Our path to an empty nest is not as linear as our avian friends, I guess. High rents in your area probably complicate things too. At pays 400 to share a house with one other person, something they can manage even on their entry-level, food-service job...

StephLove said...

That's how much I paid to share an apartment with two other people in DC in the early 90s. We don't rent so I have no idea what rent in the DC area is like now, but higher than that for sure. But wages are probably also higher here than in MI.

Sarah said...

Love women's bball and hockey at UW-- so fun! Cannot even think about kids leaving the nest so LALALALALALA can't hear that part.

the many faces of care

We got a new set of knives (X-mas present) that I started using yesterday. I don't know if it was their unfamiliarity or if they're ...