Sunday, February 25, 2024

that's what they said...

I love when we're at dinner and random stuff comes up. Hilarious accidental texts, work wins and woes, getting into AP classes, general advice in both generational directions, stories about parents, "do-you-remember-whens," hair compliments, everyone making the same joke about Nu's American Idiot tee at different times, Huck and Max going crazy for samosa wrapper crumbs, everyone finding different ways to warn me not to succumb to AI-generated grief tech to deal with the anniversary of Scout's passing, plans for the week, the barely-contained excitement about my upcoming birthday... 

I love these people so, so much and am so grateful for this life with them.

Pic: A big, squeezy hug at the end of dinner. Nu, Big A, At.


Nicole said...

Your love for your family just makes me feel so happy. I love dinners like that, I love the crazy conversations that come up.
I have never heard of grief tech and I am NOT clicking on that link!!!

Gillian said...

Nice photo. Post more pictures of your house.

StephLove said...

Very sweet post.

I heard about grief tech on a podcast and it seems a little creepy but I don't even know how it would work with an animal.

Nance said...

Not clicking on anything called grief tech. Just...not.

Family dinners are the best. I remember ours so fondly and love it when the boys and their ladies (and now Theo!) come here for meals all together again.

NGS said...

Last night at dinner our conversation ranged from a discussion about fathers in My Brilliant Friend to post-war colonialism to climate change. And then Hannah farted and scared herself and that was the end of that.

It's fun to see think about how conversations work.

maya said...

Nicole and Nance--thank you! Yes, I feel so happy when everyone is around the table. The grief-tech link is to an article, not a site.

Gillian--Thank you, I will!

Steph--Thank you. I don't either. I wondered if something like that would require lots of video footage (which I don't have).

Engie: "Hannah farted and scared herself" Hahaha--Nu used to do that too!

Sarah said...

I love those loud raucous dinners and I love the books and books and books in all of your pics :)

maya said...

Haha, Sarah! Yes--I have books (and now reading glasses) everywhere I might park my butt. Each of the four humans here have a corner in the LR with those wooden trunks holding our current books and puzzles.

Bhogi today; Pongal tomorrow

Tomorrow is Pongal, the start of the auspicious Tamil month Thuy, and I always think of it as a handy reset for any lagging New Year resolut...