Monday, February 12, 2024

But after this week things'll slow down...

I saw this meme that's sometimes about academia and sometimes about adulthood recently. It goes: Being an adult/academic is saying "But after this week things will slow down a bit" over and over to yourself until you die.

Oh, I feel this so much. But also, things really are going to slow down after this week. I listed a long list of 'have to-be-dones' for myself last month and the deadlines on most of them have come and gone and I've done my best on each of them. The last of the colleague letters and student award letters went out today, our last campus visit was today, and one of our two speakers is presenting this week--which means my list has been significantly whittled down and the future looks so much more manageable.

Technically, that means I should be able to work on my projects for a bit. No more excuses.

Pic: From yesterday. Max and Big A in my tea garden where I'd gone to escape everyone. (Not successfully, evidently.)


NGS said...

I'm just over here living for the weekend when I can finally vacuum and respond to personal emails. Don't mind me. The work week is just blocked off from me ever being able to anything ever again Monday - Friday.

StephLove said...

Fingers crossed for some breathing space.

Gillian said...

Take care.

Nicole said...

Ah, what a true statement that is. Although...the rest of this week seems calmer now that we have Monday behind us. Famous last words, I'm sure something will come up!

maya said...

Nance--that's such solidly good advice. I hope I remember it. The time for rest is now or whenever we need it.

Engie--That's me too. LOL. I like to get that done early in the weekend so the rest of it feels relaxing.

Steph--I got it today. Hope you're feeling better.


Nicole--Let's hope things stay calm XOXO

Sarah said...

Enjoy the slow down! Hope it's for realz.

the many faces of care

We got a new set of knives (X-mas present) that I started using yesterday. I don't know if it was their unfamiliarity or if they're ...