Tuesday, February 13, 2024

an unhappy anniversary

That was quick... I guess it was just last year that there was an active shooter on the MSU campus with three students shot dead and five more critically injured (they all survived, thankfully). And this was on the heels of a scare and lockdown at Nu's high school just the week before.

The local radio station has carried stories about the anniversary all day with some segments on national radio too.

I remember being triggered by sirens two weeks later, but that seems to have faded now. What a difference a year makes. And it's amazing all the rubbish my human brain can grow used to and normalize. 

Pic: MSU students working on a commemorative message at the 'spirit rock' on Sunday.


StephLove said...

How terrible. But important to mark it.

Gillian said...

Take care.

Nicole said...

Oh gosh, a year! I remember that happening. Sending hugs.

Nance said...

Good heavens. A year.
I'm thinking back to all the innocents/innocence lost since Columbine...Newtown...Chardon. And still nothing done. It's heartbreaking.

Sarah said...

A fast year, and you are right about normalizing-- it happens so quickly.

NGS said...

Time does go by fast. Hugs to you and thoughts for your community.

maya said...

Thank you, friends <3

in the leaving and the love

I wrote this as a talisman  to protect my kids a sort of post-it  for peace                             for times parents become            ...