Sunday, December 10, 2023


After krampus-ing hard yesterday, JN declared this a DND (do nothing day). I guess it works as a "Do Not Disturb day" as well. I love it. I'm going to use it. Someday.

Final grades are due soon, so it wasn't really an option to do absolutely nothing. But I built lots of nice stuff into the day--I got a massage, I went on a ramble with L, a long walk with Big A, then family dinner with At.

It was DND lite.

Pic: Goodbye from the puppet theater. My parents gave the kids this puppet theater when they were little--I think Nu was less than two years old. It showed up to lots of birthday celebrations and we accumulated quite a collection of hand puppets and finger puppets all put to great use by the "narrOator" (At's version of "narrator" 🙂💗). It lived in the rumpus room for a long time and then in Nu's Room for years. But for a year now, it's been hanging out in the upstairs hallway because no one wants it. I've known it should go to another house where some other kids can love it, but it was a bit difficult letting go as it bears so many memories of the younger versions of my kids, my parents, me... 

Anyway, when At came to dinner this evening, I got a few last pictures of them together at the puppet theater. I'm lucky my kids are so indulgent.


Sarah said...

Oh this is so nostalgic-- Dorothy ad Coop had one of these and tons of puppets (which actually look super creepy when they show up here or there in other random bins).

DND sounds great-- maybe I can re-frame my home time with Minnie this way since we aren't going anywhere :)

Nicole said...

I remember when we got rid of our train table after many years of play. Also - and this is weird - when I gifted my friend our collection of Mighty Machines DVDs I cried a little.

Gillian said...


StephLove said...

I have trouble getting rid of things like that, too.

NGS said...

I need a DND. Yesterday I was so sure I would have time to just cuddle my kitty on the couch and I could not fit it in. Doing nothing needs to be prioritized!

Nance said...

Oh, I get this. And your kids do, too. Bless them for giving you this photo. They're the best.

maya said...

Sarah--I lol-ed because Dorothy and Coop are so much younger than my kids and yet I'm the one with this toy still in my house. Happy DNDs!

Nicole--I totally get the crying. I think I've watched Toy Story 3 more than my kids :).


StephLove--I'm not surprised. <3

NGS--Sounds like you really need a DND! Sometimes it helps if I do the DND thing I've wanted to do (laze in the sun/soak in the tub/read in the swing) for at least 15 minutes that day.

Nance--Thank you, friend. Aren't they just? :)

Mother's Day mess: It's a fine one, don't worry!

MIL was in town, so we had a big Mother's Day brunch like we used to have when we lived in Yellow Springs. I dug up some Lily of the Val...