Monday, December 11, 2023


Graded like a maniac. Shepherded students through their first conference submissions process. Worked on getting all the grad school recommendations out. And I have just one more review letter to complete... I'll have three more due in January, but I'm not going to worry about that now. 

After all the service-y stuff, I really hope I can get back to writing and editing on my own project this week. It's time. And also--more importantly perhaps--there's a deadline.

Pic: The sky above me near sunset (beautiful). Max and Huck alongside me going about their potty business (not so beautiful). We don't have many windows on the west side of the house, so if I'm not outside, I'm likely to miss the sunset. I'm so grateful to Max and Huck for this sunset and everything else too.


Nicole said...

I never miss the sunset anymore because IT IS SO EARLY but also, we have a lot of west-facing windows.
Yay for all of your stuff and especially for your own project. I am very curious, if you want to share! But I understand if you don't.

StephLove said...

I have been waking earlier than I like recently. The only bonus is I'm sometimes out for my walk in time to see the sunrise. Good luck with your deadline.

NGS said...

The sun is always going down on our drive home and when my husband is driving, I'm always exclaiming over how beautiful it is when he can't look because he has to concentrate on driving. Ha ha. Too bad for him.

Gillian said...


Nance said...

Beautiful sunset. I know you appreciate the colours as a backdrop to the dark trees.

I remember those frantic days of grading. I do not miss them. You get it all done, and the relief is so cleansing.

maya said...

Nicole--I can imagine how lovely sunsets are where you are with the mountains and lake! (I'll update on the project in a bit--it just feels really precarious right now.)

StephLove--thanks! I love sunrises; they make me feel so much hope at the start of the day when I need it most.

NGS--lol and also, how nice that you're driving back together from work!


Nance--You get it, you really, really get it :)! I'm definitely in a treat-myself-to-everything mood.

Mother's Day mess: It's a fine one, don't worry!

MIL was in town, so we had a big Mother's Day brunch like we used to have when we lived in Yellow Springs. I dug up some Lily of the Val...