Monday, October 02, 2023

sweet grapes

So strange that StephLove should comment, "It's important to know what to skip sometimes..." At the start of today I could have really used some advice on what to skip. Thankfully, things worked themselves out as they tend to do.

Somehow, there were four work events and meetings scheduled in the 4:00 - 5:30 pm block today. I guess that reflects the intersectional nature of my work existence as a woman-identified, humanities prof who teaches in the first-year-seminar program and co-advises our International Club. The FYS meeting was thankfully canceled, and DD offered to represent me at the Humanities meeting, so I went to the two receptions, had a great time at both, and networked extra hard with the one other person who also attended both.

Pic: Didn't have time for a walk today, but this is a pic of an accidental (volunteer?) grapevine out by the garage. Not as fancy as Nicole who now lives on a literal vineyard and clips herself some grapes for a snack--but although these grapes were tiny, they were a fierce kind of sweet. 


Sarah said...

Love the volunteer grapes! We had volunteer pumpkins one year, and they were a delight.

Gillian said...


Nicole said...

Grapes are grapes! And volunteer grapes WANT to be with you! Yay, we are grape twins.
FOUR meetings in a 90 minute block is...a lot!

NGS said...

I get so stressed out when I have multiple events overlapping in my calendar. Honestly, even back to back events can cause me to sweat a little bit! I don't know how you do it.

StephLove said...

I love the volunteer plants in my yard, though none of them are currently edible. Earlier this year we had some kale growing just outside the kale patch I think was seeded from last year's plants and also some lettuce that emerged mid-summer long after the spring lettuce was finished. And there are zinnias on either side of the zinnia enclosure, more than we have inside it actually. Grapes are an excellent bonus crop.

maya said...

I love all the stories of volunteer plants! I love the term "volunteer" itself so much!

NGS--To be clear, the four meetings thing wasn't my idea. Sometimes bigger groups just schedule things without consulting people.

Some instances of writing I was happy to see today:

*     All the progress I'm making with indexing the book--a task I've never undertaken before. *     The kind, nondramatic way the h...