Sunday, September 10, 2023

take it easy

Already slowing down as I promised myself. And taking it easy. Theme sound tracks courtesy The Eagles; and also from Kadhalan (I'm always trying to translate this song and its references for my kids).

UU this morning after many weeks... Big A came with me, Nu didn't. I guess that at nearly 16, they get to decide if they want to go services or not. I always swore I would let my kids decide what religious practices they wanted to adopt, and I guess I get to show I meant it. I'm grateful that they're happy to do all the culturally relevant stuff like rakhis or Diwali... for now, anyway.

Nia at UU was water-themed and lovely. Also lovely was being able to add drops from the sea at Pondycherry to the communal column of water. The quiet moments brought a lot of thoughts of Scout and tears. I wonder if being away from UU was less about Nu wanting to sleep in and more about me not being ready to sit in silence with my thoughts.

After months of forgoing massages, I think l've got a schedule set up with RR who can make house visits. I hope I honor this commitment of wellbeing, time, and $$ to myself. I'm remarkably low maintenance with hair (Supercuts) and products (drugstore) so splurging on massage makes sense in my head. 

 Pic: Max, Huck, Big A, Nu, and At. Dinner with the fam! I miss At the burly labor organizer, but love the new look too. I pulled my chair away from the table this time to get Huck and Max in the frame.


Nicole said...

Maya, I'm so glad you're taking steps for rest and restoration! Could you tell me more about UU? What is it? I know you've referenced it before and I understand it's religious, but if you're comfortable with sharing more details I'd love to hear them.

StephLove said...

Beth and North went to a UU church for a couple years when North was in middle school and my mother-in-law goes to one, too. I remember the water service (and the flower service, too). Such a nice tradition.

maya said...

Steph--Yes, the flower service was another one I loved! I'm happy North had those experiences.

Nicole--I'm very comfortable sharing :). I'll write more tomorrow. Here's a little intro:

Sarah said...

Oh, boy do I need to get back into the massage groove. On my list!

maya said...

I hope you do, Sarah!

Gillian said...

Good luck with everything.

in the leaving and the love

I wrote this as a talisman  to protect my kids a sort of post-it  for peace                             for times parents become            ...