Tuesday, March 29, 2022

tinker, tailor, labor organizer

Family dinner with At in attendance. I pulled together something from the freezer+pantry because today was crazy with additional tasks that misfired: tried to reconfirm details with the student convention (a couple of things still up in the air); tried to get the body shop to take the car (they say they need more time); tried to feed JL's cat while she's on vacation (the key she gave us wouldn't go in the lock, and now she's having to head home early). 

Tacos with eggs, haloumi fries, potato hash, and assorted veggie toppings can be dinner, right? There were smiles after the meal, so perhaps?

I'm so very proud of the labor organizing At's doing. My mom is quite upset that he's not in grad school yet, and is always "reminding" me that her dad was a college man and that my dad went to grad school, so At "needs" to at least get one grad degree. It's some complicated emotional math I don't quite get. 

I really do want him to go to grad school too, but I'm not sure what I could do differently to change his mind. He told me today that he got accepted to U of M (the #1 school for Social Work) and MSU (right here in town) but has declined both offers. I begged him to defer instead, but he wouldn't hear me out. I will say he seems way more relaxed now that college decisions aren't hanging over him. He's also doing some real good in the world, so maybe it's time for me to step off and try to deserve the "cool parents" status he once conferred on us.


Nicole said...

It's so interesting, the journey our kids are on. They are walking their own path and they'll get to where they are going. I try to remember this all the time as my kids make choices that I would not have made - also I try to remember the "your children are not your children" poem. It's so HARD. Why didn't anyone say how hard this stage would be? My own son is taking a gap year next year, which I have accepted but it was a hurdle to accept it. xo

maya said...

Nicole: Thank you for the wisdom and the reminders. Yes, it is SO hard. My instinct to jump in and and protect is at odds with his need to learn on his own. I forget how long I tried to stop toddler At from trying to eat beach sand... I have to say after he did it once, I never had to worry about that again. 😂

Gillian said...

No on needs grad school debt unless they're sure they know what they want.

Lux - About Life and Love blog said...

Yes, that sounds like a meal I would very much enjoy.

Hope he can change his mind about grad school.

StephLove said...

Sometimes they just don't seem to realize we know best. Kidding, just kidding. I have this feeling often with the younger one, truth be told, and I have to struggle with it.

maya said...

Somehow, I find myself in agreement with all three of you--Gillian, Lux, and StephLove.

waiting to be discovered

I come back, back to myself my ears lost in my hair skin in hide and seek while waiting for the rain while making some tea I am owed after I...