Monday, August 21, 2023


Such a full day! I was on the road for sunrise, sunset, and sickle-moon-rise.

We're officially back at work as Fall Conference started today. And I'm so full and excited from seeing everyone after summer break and catching up and being introduced to new people and talked into new committees and and and... It hasn't been quite like this since the start of the pandemic... Being with colleagues and friends is not something I take for granted anymore. I may have sardonically shared The Chronicle's "First Faculty Meeting of the Year Bingo card" on the group chat, but I sincerely and nerdily love my work.

A lot of the socializing took place over three meals on campus, so I'm feeling pretty full on that count too. 

Pic: Walking back to my car after the all-campus picnic.


Nicole said...

Oh, that is so fantastic, Maya! xo

StephLove said...

Have a great year.

A friend of mine teaches at WVU-- I'm sure you've read about the situation there-- so it's nice to hear about an academic who's not miserable.

NGS said...

Meanwhile, my husband is grumbling hard because he needs to pack multiple meals and won't have time to go back to his office to use the fridge or microwave. LOL. It's a good thing he really only has these weird long days of meetings on campus a handful of times a year.

It sounds like you had a great time and I'm glad you found it fulfilling!

maya said...

Thanks, Nicole.

StephLove--you're so right... I seem to be ignoring a lot of issues here.

NGS--I'm glad Dr. BB doesn't have to juggle with the food logistics more than twice a year too. The stakes are way lower for me because it's about food preference (not intolerance).

Sarah said...

I gi back today and am similarly, nerdily excited.

Mom of Children said...

What a lovely post but GAAAAHHHHHH all those people. The introvert in me is shuddering lol Have a wonderful semester!!

maya said...

Hope you have a great first day, Sarah!

Thanks, MOC! Wishing you a great start to the school year too!

Gillian said...

Happy first day.

in the leaving and the love

I wrote this as a talisman  to protect my kids a sort of post-it  for peace                             for times parents become            ...