I wonder if I appreciate this so much because it's culturally different from how I grew up, where you're expected to put grief away within a "suitable" interval.
I was reminded of this over the weekend when I broke down while I was talking with my sister, and she told me sternly to pull myself together for the sake of the other kids. My sister loves me very much, and I suspect she phrased it like that believing it to be the most effective way to stop my tears (and because she loves me so much that hearing me cry makes her sad). But also, I already do a lot of "pulling it together" so I can give the kids or my students my best self and I was hoping to let my guard down with her... so...
Pic: A card from KB arrived in the mail today... what a perfect image and sentiment.
They will say crying is bad.
Feel free to call me anytime, or send me a message. You can cry on my virtual shoulder until my shirt is soaked, and beyond. xo
You will miss him a long time. That's okay.
I am so sorry. I cry about Beatrix when I least expect it. Cleaning up hamburgers after dinner the other night got me, as did changing my standard welcome post for an online discussion board because I always referenced my “laziest dog in the world.” I am right there with you in this sad place.
Nicole, Gillian, StephLove-- thank you. XOXO
Sarah, I'm sorry sorrow sneaks up on you like that. I'm right there with you as well. (I used to call Scout and Huck my teaching assistants--guess it's a very mom/teacher joke...)
Very sad.
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