Saturday, February 01, 2025

uneven thoughts in uneven times

I break the trail     with an ice pick of panic      winter is removal       after all      and carry on      as if      I don't care     I don't want anyone     to see     I care

as it grows dark        with unwritten books      the ink shrinks     into ripples     of edict after cruel edict          they've called this chaos

shock and awe     rising to the center      into centuries    the injury       piercing the moment      everything swelling    out of reach     I witness     what is made--     

--for other people      watch it      come for me      I wait      as the wind loses its way     and wake to the wound     through which     the poem comes
Pic: Max dares me to chase him on the icy snow. Look at his lope, he looks so lupine! 


Lisa's Yarns said...

I like visual of us as a group of people with ice pics trying to slowly chip away at what is happening!

I’m reading this next to my boys and showed them the picture of your sweet doggy! I wish you could hear their ‘aaaaawww’s!!!

Nance said...

I like the tone and mood of this so much, maya. It captures the anxiety and breathlessness we all feel--watching what comes for us, yes.

Max, the wild wolf! LOL

Nicole said...

Beautiful, Maya! I had a boss once who used the term "let's chip away at it" when we had a big position he wanted to reverse. I've always loved the thought of chipping away/ one step forward/ drops in the bucket add up.

Gillian said...


Jeanie said...

Hello, Maya. We have a mutual blogging friend -- Lisa -- and she said you are from Lansing, too! So am I! So of course I had to come by. I appreciated your post on Noah's article and love how beautifully you expressed what I think so many of us are feeling in your words today. (And the photo is great!) We are all holding our breath, trying to determine what we can/must do. It's a pleasure to "meet" you. (Jeanie from Marmelade Gypsy)

Jenny said...

Beautiful poem.

Bibliomama said...

Such an eloquent way to put it. Every morning I read about the next string of cruel edicts and then I spend the day trying to process and decide how to proceed.

maya said...

I love it when kids go "‘aaaaawww" because they are extra ‘aaaaawww" when they do that! Thanks for the intro to Jeanie, Lisa!

maya said...

Max is such a bright space, Nance. And thank you, I want to write something beautiful--but the timing is off.

maya said...

Thank you, Nicole. I like that mantra!

maya said...

Thanks, Gillian!

maya said...

Jeanie! I'm so delighted to "meet" you! Thank you for your kind words. I've been exploring your space and loved your U.K. updates and use of "chuffed" :). I plan to be in touch via your wkar email, I hope that's ok.

maya said...

Thank you, Jenny!

maya said...

They're saying to focus on one or two things and work on that because reading everything they put out is bonkers... But that is easier said than done! I'm such a doomscroller! I hope you're doing better than I am! XO

my tiny domestic tragedies

Big A seemed a bit better yesterday. But he didn't think so. I think he likes being taken care of. It makes me think of my hero, June Jo...