Monday, January 27, 2025

time after time

Time is remarkable. I was overwhelmed on Friday and the things I had to attend to seemed immense and insurmountable. Today, not only was I able to catch up to everything, but the things themselves could be despatched with a few breezy strokes of email... or so it seemed. Perhaps I've just punted everything to the near future? Time will tell, I suppose.

Anyway, it was busy, busy, busy. And part of that is pre-planning for my biennial travel abroad course to the U.K. And it's exciting and nerve-wracking. And some parts are icky. We're currently in the ticketing process, and I get to feel like a jerk asking people for their gender "as stated on their passports" like that has anything to do with anything. 

Pic: View from the bridge--this is the Red Cedar River frozen solid--people have been skating on it as the tracks show. Big A and I walked to breakfast to celebrate yesterday's anniversary this morning since he was working yesterday. That was quite apropos, because twenty years ago, we met up at a breakfast spot, and then walked across a bridge too.


Nicole said...

Awww, your first date was a breakfast spot! How fun is that.
Oooh it's time for your travel abroad! Time is so weird, because it feels like you just went. But obviously that must have been two years ago.

Jenny said...

Beautiful photo! And a travel abroad course sounds exciting. You won't come off as a jerk- people know you don't personally care what their passports genders are!

StephLove said...

I'm glad things started seeming easier and that you had a nice breakfast date with A. Good luck with trip preparations. I think all your students are aware of why you have to ask question like that and will not blame you.

Speaking of passports, we were meaning to get North's renewed and now it's probably too late to get one with an X gender marker. When they first got one (for a middle school trip to Colombia) it wasn't possible yet and we missed that historic window.

Lisa's Yarns said...

Your breakfast date sounds wonderful! I would love to know more about this travel abroad course and what you all will read beforehand! Gosh your students are lucky to go with you. I totally understand the uncomfortable feeling about asking students about their gender on their passports. Sigh. :(

Nance said...

Your students know who is really doing the asking.

I love how you ended up reenacting your first date. It must have felt so homey and loving.

Your trip is going to be exciting for your students!

NGS said...

What a beautiful scene. I want to play in your snow!!

Bibliomama said...

Breakfast and a Bridge: A Love Story. I like it! Lord, do I know what you mean about time, and how our bodies and brains react so differently from day to day. A course abroad! I absolutely understand that it's nerve-wracking getting ready, but what a nice way to break up the year it must be.

maya said...

It was two years ago, and so many things have changed, Nicole! USA-ians now need a Visa document!

maya said...

I like your term "passport gender", Jenny--I'm going to use it going forward...

maya said...

Thank you, Steph. We'd planned to work on Nu's passport too, and wish we had... (This was A's lapse rather than mine, but still.)

maya said...

Lisa as things get finalized, I'd be more than happy to share the readings with you!!

maya said...

Thank you for the vote of confidence, Nance. Some of my students have not traveled much, so I take the responsibility very seriously!

maya said...

Thank you!

maya said...

Bring Hannah!!

maya said...

Allison--I like our solidity, but I just don't know where the time went. Weird. Anyway, I chuckled at "Breakfast and a Bridge"--I like it a lot!

Lisa's Yarns said...

Please do!!!

my tiny domestic tragedies

Big A seemed a bit better yesterday. But he didn't think so. I think he likes being taken care of. It makes me think of my hero, June Jo...