Tuesday, January 28, 2025

even the chipmunk does what it can...

One of my favorite bits in childhood retellings of the Ramayana is when Rama is building a bridge from the peninsular tip of India to Sri Lanka to rescue his partner Sita from Ravana who has kidnapped her. He has the help of his semi divine siblings and the Vanara army under the ace engineer and architect--Nala. But he also has the help of a little chipmunk who carries pebbles in its mouth to supplement the work of the huge army. Rama is so moved by the chipmunk's altruism, that he picks it up and gently strokes its back... and that's how the chipmunk got its stripes!

But the real point is that everyone does what they can to right a wrong. In fact, in some versions of the story, the chipmunk's pebbles cement the gaps between the giant boulders and are actually crucial to the structural stability of the bridge. I am reminded of this in so many ways. Two examples stand out for me today. One is StephLove putting her body on the line by protesting near the White House at the freezing of federal grants (the freeze has since been blocked by a federal judge). The other is a student who has been using their skill sets (English and Political Science) to annotate three significant executive grants so people can read and understand them more easily. 

Heroes. All the hearts. 

Pic: Huckie and Max, who clearly haven't eaten in days at the dinner table yesterday.


Lisa's Yarns said...

First of all, the picture of your doggies is so cute! I’m going to have to show my boys this picture. It looks like they are having a tea party!

I love this parable! We can all be chipmunks and together we can make a big difference. I’m just so sick and by what is happening and feel like I’m living in a dystopian. I don’t even read dystopian novels because they tend to be so depressing and now I’m forced to live in one. I need to get my hands on annotated executive orders so I can better understand what is actually happening.

Sarah said...

Perfect parable-- cute dinner companions.

Nicole said...

Ahhh look at those fuzzy faces!
What a great parable, I had never heard it before. Also Steph is a hero!

Gillian said...


StephLove said...

Thanks for the shout out. There was no danger, though. Just a small protest with a couple hundred people. Pretty run-of-the-mill occurrence in DC. Also, the judge's action only lasts until next Monday, I found out this morning.

NGS said...

Huck's little paw on the table!! I'm melting with cuteness over here.

Nance said...

Thank you, StephLove, for taking action in person. I appreciate you.

I love the parable of the chipmunk and how he got his stripes. Not all altruism is obviously rewarded, but it's a sweet story nonetheless.

Your poor starving pups. How can you be so cruel? LOL
They are SO cute.

Jenny said...

Beautiful story... and a good reminder.

maya said...

I wish P and W could pet Huck and Max!
(I know what you mean about dystopia--it's almost as bad as living under Alice in Wonderland's Queen of Hearts.)

maya said...

Thanks, Sarah :)!

maya said...


maya said...


maya said...

Steph, It seems heroic to me. Just take the adulation :). I'm surprised by how quickly the whole thing was organized too.

maya said...

Their glazed eyes! :D

maya said...

Their eyes make me feel like I'm a Cruella over here, Nance!!

maya said...

Thanks, Jenny! I loved it as a kid...

my tiny domestic tragedies

Big A seemed a bit better yesterday. But he didn't think so. I think he likes being taken care of. It makes me think of my hero, June Jo...