Saturday, January 25, 2025

somehow tomorrow (will be the twentieth anniversary of our first date)

I would believe anything 
that started with you

sure as any day climbing 
for hours then coasting 
down, on time

inside the churn of memory
time is a secret waterfall 
of it all

the soft singing at breakfasts
battles opening voices
love closing eyes 

oh, how we've danced our way 
for twenty unwritten years 
now going away

with the magic suddenness of deer 
whose hoofprints are filling 
with blowing snow

Pic: I moved to the living room as Nu has a sleepover in the rumpus room, but Max found me for our evening cuddle. 


Lisa's Yarns said...

Happy 20 years of being in a wonderful relationship! This poem is beautiful!

Gillian said...


Nicole said...

Happy anniversary!!! What a lovely poem to remember it by.

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary! We celebrate the first date one, too.

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary! Our is… coming up January 31. We met January 31 2010… I remember like it was just yesterday..

NGS said...

I don't even know what our first date really was, let alone celebrate our anniversary. Clearly we're not great at keeping track of important dates.

maya said...
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maya said...

Thank you, Lisa!

maya said...

Thank you, Gillian!

maya said...

That's so kind; thanks, Nicole!

maya said...

Thank you! My parents celebrate the first time they met as well...

maya said...

Thank you. And congratulations on your fifteen-year anniversary coming up... this week! In some ways it does feel like just yesterday, and in other ways it feels like forever ago!

maya said...

Engie, Perhaps the Prof. knows? He seemed to have total recall when he guest blogged!

Sarah said...

What a sweet anniversary to celebrate.

Nance said...

I love the metaphor of deer hoofprints filling with snow to signify the quick passage of time. So apt, so beautiful, so evocative.

J said...

That's a wonderful poem, just lovely.

Happy anniversary! We celebrated 37 years together in December, our first date. CRAZY. I mean, if we had had a baby right away, it could be Stephany's age!

maya said...

Aw! Thanks! We don't do Valentine's Day or anything, so I'm glad we do this one...

maya said...

<3 Thank you, Nance.

maya said...

I can't believe how quickly 20 went, and Jules, I cannot IMAGINE 37! Especially since you and Ted are just a handful of years older than us...

maya said...

Not even sure of you being older actually, just a few year "ahead."

my tiny domestic tragedies

Big A seemed a bit better yesterday. But he didn't think so. I think he likes being taken care of. It makes me think of my hero, June Jo...