According to this article in the New Yorker, many Americans are prepping for a second civil war. Anecdotally, I've certainly encountered my fair share of people talking about stockpiling canned goods, taking selfdefense classes, and buying firearms and so on since the election. Some of this seems sensible.
Extreme prepping seems like a lot. I'll never forget watching Cloverfield Lane with the kids long ago and being horrified by the John Goodman character. My At sagely told me that that was kind of the point--if you accidentally live through the apocalypse, the people around you are likely to be dreadful.
And here I was patting myself on the back, for being resourceful because I had a stubborn salt stain on my black boots that I disappeared by using a black Sharpie. I think I picked this up from the Julia Roberts character in Pretty Woman. She might have used a black eyeliner, but it's basically the same thing--we just have different tools of the trade, I guess.
Pic: This is Mr. Arlo who was a welcome gatecrasher at my meeting with the MacCurdy students. I am so proud of my students' generosity and proposals on how they could use their house (a women's resource center) as a safe and welcoming space given the possibility of federal freezes, raids, etc. This is the mode that makes the most sense.
I’m really struggling to find Hope right now with everything that’s going on with this administration. Things seem incredibly bleak. I keep waiting for someone in this party to stand up to him, but I’ve yet to see anything encouraging. Everyone just falls in line for fear of a primary battle.
I mean, the sharpie is a pretty good hack if you ask me. I haven't watched that movie in years but I just had a real visceral reaction to it. I think I was about 15 when it came out and saw it in the theatre, and I had a friend who was a pretty troubled youth. We watched it together and the sad thing is that she took that movie to heart. I don't want to say too much more publicly but her life took a pretty bad turn not far after that and it's not like I'm blaming the movie but in my heart I'm kind of blaming the movie? It's not the movie's fault. But I feel like it is.
Isn't it weird how some things stay with you?
I am so unprepared I don't even have a valid passport. I keep meaning to renew mine, but not getting around to it.
Very cute turtle.
Ack, my passport is also expired. Guess I should renew that. And- I don't know about a civil war. I think most people on the Left are non-violent and not willing to take things that far. But what do I know... I don't even watch the news these days (although I hear plenty about what's going on, sigh.)
I'm still so angry. We thought young people would help save us, but a firm contingent voted for him. So many people voted against their own interests that it's breathtaking.
I'm astonished daily. How can these congresspeople stand themselves?
After reading Gone With the Wind, I've decided maybe we should have some canned goods in the basement. But, honestly, would I want to live in a post-Civil War US? Maybe I should stockpile prescription medication instead.
I'm finding glimmers here and there, going to share with you in a bit...
Nicole--I'm so sorry. I did not talk about this movie for decades, because I absolutely agreed with the argument that it romanticized sex-work. I just thought it was odd how I remembered that one detail... (and also the moves to Prince's "Kiss.")
StephLove, please do renew your passport. And it doesn't have to be in a prepper way... what if we wanted to visit Nicole?! Or Beth wanted to take you on a surprise trip?!
Jenny, I don't know many republicans (ok, I know zero). The people buying guns all of a sudden are socialists! I find that really surprising!
Nance, I really cannot understand (or stand) people who promote him. I just can't.
Thanks, Gillian!
Both of those things sound reasonable, Engie. Old prescription glasses too, I worry about that for my nearly blind family members!
OMG ME TOO MAYA ME TOO! And so many talk about how it's a romance and a Cinderella story, and ARE WE WATCHING THE SAME FILM? It's actually pretty horrifying and as a young girl who saw another young girl be swept away by that idea...again, not going into details but it's pretty grim. You can imagine. Also do we need a rich white man to save us? DO WE?
"NO" to all of that!! (Nu is watching Seinfeld and I think that brought back memories because of Jason Alexander being in that movie too.)
New reader, first time commenter and I picked QUITE THE POST to do so, ha. I am finding it very hard to read about what could come with this presidency. It activates my flight or fight, it feels like! (Although I'm mostly a "freeze" so I just totally shut down). I can't even fathom another Civil War, ughhh.
Mr. Arlo is a bright spot!
Welcome, Stephany! I'm sorry we've found each other in such a dire time... There are lots of people fighting the good fight near me, and was really helpful for me to start with yesterday!
I'd be so useless in a civil war, haha
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