I had just enough left over
for flowers
~distant and beautiful as frescoes~
or some oranges
~contained and remote as moons~
I could not choose between
them then
I had no one to ask
and also
no one to answer to
so bright and sonorous
was my ~solitude~
so replaceable and bold
my ~independence~
Pic: I thought it was cool how the Red Cedar river had flooded and frozen into a pane over autumn leaves here. (Seen on a walk with L through the woods yesterday.)
Pretty picture!! We have no snow so it’s just very brown here and has been bitterly cold. It will warm up this week and I am hoping for snow soon. If it’s going to be cold, we should have snow (IMO!!).
That poem reminds me of the many years I spent single. I got married somewhat later in life at age 36. I am an introvert so at times I miss those days of having solitude and no one to answer to. But of course I would choose the fuller life I live now!! But I try to give myself days of solitude by taking time off for ‘shouldless days’ which is a day when I only do things I want to do and nothing I should do. I tend to spend most of my shouldless days alone in my house while the boys are at work and school/childcare.
Nice little moment in amber.
If it really happened, which did you choose?
I love this Moment poem. It perfectly captures that dichotomy of being on one's own. The description of the oranges is especially wonderful.
These are the kinds of poems I like best, those that take us into Moments and expand that time--make us part of that brief sliver of Life and experience it along with the speaker. I gain a new perspective and recognition of moments in my own life.
Just enough left over for flowers— this is a wonderful idea/image
Wow I really love that poem, Maya! And it somehow goes so perfectly with that gorgeous photo. Love the frozen leaves!
Beautiful poem. And yes, that photo is very cool. I guess winter has its beauty too.
A lovely poem. I was discussing solo travel with Kyria when she was here, and these are the plusses and minuses. No one to confer with and ask an opinion of, no one to have to compromise with.
Oh my goodness, beautiful poem. Flowers and oranges are both very aesthetically pleasing, so I feel like either way would be a win. I went for a squeaky-snow walk today. Cold but bright and lovely.
I love the "shouldless days" concept and will be borrowing it :)!
(And same... I do crave quiet and solitude at times.)
StephLove, It's a bit of a composite :). But I do remember one grocery store trip when I spent more than I had spent on food on a bunch of giant anemones because I had never seen anything so beautiful that I could buy before.
Thank you, Nance!
Thanks, Sarah!
thanks, Gillian!
Thank you, Nicole! XO
Thanks, Jenny! Winter does have beauty... but it's SO COLD!
Thanks, Julie. I was thinking post-travel with my sister that solo travel is so different. I took a long trip by myself in 2019, and I feel I had more interactions with people...
Thank you, Allison! Your walk sounds lovely... I find that motivating myself to leave the warmth of home is the tough part, the walks themselves are usually lovely.
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