Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Day 1, 2025

A quiet and cozy start to the year... 

Nu's guests are still camped out in the rumpus room, their ukuleles and guitars around them.

Back to work for real--but I hang on to emails so as to not be the weirdo who sends out emails when others are still on break. 

I take walks with Max and later with Big A. Everything is grey and leaden. Unrealistically, as soon as Christmas and the NYE have been celebrated, I expect the world to switch into Spring. This despite having lived in the midwest for close to two decades now. Climate change is making this happen sometimes, but that is a different kind of panic. 

I catch up with people on text and WhatsApp and calls. When the kids were younger, it was important to me that we were all in a family group hug at midnight. These days, it's important that I get some quality conversation in with everyone.... Yoga with Julie/Adrienne, some reading, some Arabic practice, some soaking in the tub, some putting Christmas away... I took care of seven (out of my million plants) and experimented with a couple of new thrift-shop projects...

I make lentil soup for dinner; the bakery croissants that people have been ignoring all week went on the dinner table nicely toasted... and thankfully vanished. The round shapes of the lentils are supposed to represent prosperity, and Nu decided to pretend that each circle is a million dollars coming their way. Everyone should start sending their wishlists to Nu. 

Pic: Early in the morning, out with Max.


Nicole said...

OMG MAYA! I made soup yesterday and roasted lentils to put in it! Are we on the same page or what?
Did I just get way too excited that we both had soup for dinner? I guess I make soup so rarely that I feel like it's a feat.
Yesterday I spent the day cleaning and putting away all the decorations, and it was really satisfying even if our house is 98% less twinkly.

Gillian said...


Nance said...

I made the traditional pork and sauerkraut dinner for good luck (Eastern European), and had the family here. Theo did NOT like sauerkraut, but the mashed potatoes were a big hit.

My walk today will be VERY, VERY cold, so the heated coat will be put to use. All the swirling flakes swirled away and nothing stuck, so I'll be safe.

An early Spring sounds wonderful to me!

Lisa's Yarns said...

I love lentil soup! We had soup on NYE - wild rice with leftover turkey from Christmas Day.

I didn't leave the house on NYE so my cabin fever pushed me to take the boys to the zoo so my husband could focus on work (the beginning of each month is his busiest time so he worked on his day off to give future Phil a break). The zoo was pretty busy and W was in a MOOD. But it was nice to get out of the house for a bit. Then I came back and my husband asked if I saw the news about NOLA... I had been avoiding the news to give myself a break so was very saddened to hear how 2025 started for our nation.

J said...

YAY for Yoga with Maya! I hope you're enjoying it. You know, Adriene usually is a bit more corny and goofy thank she is in this series (so far, day 2), so I'm wondering about that. But still loving it, and I always love seeing her dog, Benji.

We had soup for our NY Day dinner as well. In our case it was split pea, and it was delicious. I wish each circle would be a million dollars. Heck, I'd take $1 for each. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Lentil soup sounds good, especially if it's going to bring prosperity. I may put it on the menu for next week.

I'm glad your year got off to a good start.

maya said...

We were in sync, Nicole!! I did everything except put the tree away--I need a second pair of hands to help me with that...

maya said...

Thank you!

maya said...

I am imagining Theo's face at the first taste of sauerkraut :)! Does he like other tart stuff? Mmmm mashed potatoes! I hope your walk was wonderful. It was like a snow globe over here too.

maya said...

I'm glad you and the kids had that zoo break, Lisa.

Whoa--Somehow, I'd been off news entirely and missed the news about New Orleans and Las Vegas. Oh, that's not a good beginning...

maya said...

Julie, thank you for introducing me to this series! You had two yoga companions today :).

Split pea soup sounds delicious... I think you're supposed to hold out a little longer during negotiations and come down more slowly--lol

maya said...

StephLove? Yes, it was comfy and cozy. I hope it was the same for you. Are you traveling?

Jenny said...

Ooh! My husband says he's going to cook dinner tomorrow (ahem, we'll see about that) and mentioned making a bean soup. i'll tell him to make it lentils so we can also get rich!
Glad your new year started in such a nice way.

maya said...

Let's all eat lentils and get rich, Jenny! I'm glad someone's making dinner for you! XOXO

my tiny domestic tragedies

Big A seemed a bit better yesterday. But he didn't think so. I think he likes being taken care of. It makes me think of my hero, June Jo...