Wednesday, December 11, 2024


My sister and I haven't shared a bedroom in thirty years. 

On some level--I think--it makes us revert to feeling like kids. We hung out with a delightful couple from New Zealand at the Museum and we were being respectful as though they were our elders. It was only later that it occurred to us that their kids were around At's age so they are our peers!

Today we spent a rainy day in Olympia trooping through the archaeological ruins of the ancient Olympic site and then exploring the museum for much, much longer. (We're museum people not sporty people.) I learned that the reason Olympia is so far inland is because the organizers wanted to diminish the risk of the games being attacked by seafaring enemies. 

Pic: Today we have matching handloom wraparound skirts from India and were showing them off while the guide was getting our tickets. I heard my friends say we should get matching jewelry in the comments and I may allow something small and meaningful. I think I'll know it's right when/if I see it...


Lisa's Yarns said...

I love the matching skirts! And it’s so fun to meet people whine traveling. I have struck up so many convos with interesting people, especially when I traveled alone before having kids.

That is so interesting about the location of Olympia!!

NGS said...

I have NO matching clothing with my sister. A fun project might be to make fun matching shirts for me and my SILs on my husband's side. Your posts are so inspirational!

Nicole said...

(can you tell I have no sisters?)

StephLove said...

Another great photo. I'd frame this one. You know, I don't think I knew the Olympic took place in town called Olympia, I guess I assumed the first ones were in Athens.

Gillian said...


maya said...

Lisa--The last time I went to Greece, I traveled by myself and I absolutely agree that conversations are like 100% more interesting. I would want to do more traveling by myself for that reason alone.

maya said...

Engie--It's a bit hokey, but we're enjoying it for its novelty value. You and your SILs share a similar sense of humor, so I can't wait to see what you come up with!

maya said...

Gah, Nicole! WHY don't you have any sisters?! You'd be such an amazing sister and SUCH AN AMAZING GIRL MOM!!! Such a wasted opportunity universe!!! You could have made some girls really, really happy and lucky!

maya said...

I really, really love this one too, Steph... Thank you!

maya said...


Nance said...

This is such a sister trip. I love it.
And I love the story about meeting someone who you automatically thought was older than yourselves. When sisters get together, they regress!

maya said...

Yes, that was silly of us... I hope we're not being obnoxious!

my tiny domestic tragedies

Big A seemed a bit better yesterday. But he didn't think so. I think he likes being taken care of. It makes me think of my hero, June Jo...