Sunday, September 29, 2024

Welcoming a little bean!

The baby shower today was woodland-themed, so it was supposed to be outside in our unkempt backyard, but despite my most frantic monitoring of the weather app, the forecast continued to call for rain, so I had to move the party indoors. 

Ah well. At least I didn't have to clean (our indoors tends to be fairly tidy), or set up outdoor tables, and could possibly get away with fewer decorations since the space was smaller (I guess I am a bit Pollyanna-ish sometimes). 

It went well. I'm so honored that I get to be part of the Ls's chosen family and do this for them and I just can't wait to meet their little bean!

While we were playing "Mommy or Daddy?" (the game where you guess which parent would change more diapers, take more photos etc. ) Big A and I did a quick retrospective check on our own days as young parents. We agreed on everything. (We're so weird.) We saved a few of the game forms for the next family dinner night to see if the kids can guess right.

Pic: Huck explores under the table as guests arrive. The fruit salad nestled in the watermelon pram with the pineapple wheels (made by the dad-to-be) was my favorite thing!


Nicole said...

Lol "despite my most frantic monitoring of the weather app, the forecast continued to call for rain" - refresh, refresh, refresh - dammit, still rain!
How lovely to have a baby shower! I love those.

Gillian said...


Jenny said...

Ha, that fruit salad is AMAZING! It looks like you threw a very lovely baby shower. And- did it actually end up raining? I hope so! But it sounds like the decision to move it indoors worked so well, it doesn't matter.

Nance said...

The weather continues to be bothersome here as well (although we did need all of this rain desperately). Your baby shower looks beautiful and welcoming. Theo's was also a woodland theme.

I like that idea for a game. And for a family dinner table discussion. I bet it could be a template for other fun questions to spark conversations, too.

Life of a Doctor's Wife said...

Despite the weather's failure to cooperate, this looks so lovely! The watermelon pram is adorable.

StephLove said...

That's quite a spread. Love the watermelon stroller.

maya said...

Baby clothes are probably the cutest things in the world. OMG.

maya said...


maya said...

Thanks, Jenny!

It DID NOT RAIN! But it was soggy and sodden from before, so indoors was probably best.

maya said...

Sweet Theo!

Thank you, Nance. I'll report back on whom the kids picked as "the fun parent." Haha.

maya said...

Thanks, Suzanne!

maya said...

Thanks, Steph. I had lots of help :).

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