Tuesday, September 03, 2024


One of my (many) family names is the Telugu title "Dorakanti," and when Big A and I got married, we took the "Dora" part and linked it to part of his Lithuanian Jewish name to make our hyphenated family name. 

Flashforward to a few years later when after years of audience participation in The Vagina Monologues and joyfully yelling "Cunt! Cunt! Cunt!" in reclamation, I wished we'd taken the second half of my family's name. It would have been so cool to have been Prof. Kanti (pronounced "Cunty")--I would have borne that name with extra pride. (Not sure about the rest of the fam though--they're prone to bristle if someone so much as calls them "Dora the Explorer.")

But I got my chance while hanging out with the girlfriends after work this evening. We were making plans to hang out again next Tuesday, and I suggested that if we were going to keep doing this on Tuesdays, perhaps we should just make it official and call ourselves the C.U.N.T.s. (You know--as in the euphemistic acronym for cunt--C U Next Tuesday?) I think our group chat just got renamed "CUNTs." Baby steps.

Pic: On my way to work this morning, a sliver of sunrise over the Maple River. (A bit splotchy through the car window and a bit oblong  from cropping the car out of the frame.)


Gillian said...


Nicole said...

THAT is how Kanti is pronounced??? I had no idea. Also, I used to teach my beloved seniors' class on Tuesdays, and the number of times I would cheerfully say "See you next Tuesday" and then giggle in a horrified way to myself, well. I can't count that many times.

StephLove said...

Well, this was educational. I had never heard of that acronym, which is apparently more than 25 years old.

Jenny said...

I've obviously lived a very sheltered life because I had never heard that acronym either. Luckily I read your blog so I can expand my vocabulary!
That's a lovely photo.

Sarah said...

LOL to both prof Kanti and cu next Tuesday-- something I say ALL THE TIME

maya said...

Nicole--I'm still laughing at "...and then giggle in a horrified way to myself, well. I can't count that many times."

maya said...

Haha, Steph! Glad to be of service!

maya said...

Jenny, Omigosh--I feel like I've become the girl my mom used to warn me about back in the day... lol

maya said...

And why not, I'd say!?

maya said...


the many faces of care

We got a new set of knives (X-mas present) that I started using yesterday. I don't know if it was their unfamiliarity or if they're ...