Wednesday, September 04, 2024

the things they gave me

As we walk, Big A says he would give anything to be wrong... unlearn everything... wishes he could promise me that there was heaven and I would of course be with Scout again someday. Then we got home after grabbing my Boss Day to-go order from the sushi place and then I had all my babies--Max and Huck and Nu and At around me. It wasn't quite heaven, but contentment enough. 

Later in the evening, as I gathered the mint growing in wild abandon, I remembered Medo Halimy telling the world that he plants as a form of resistance. "They take away life... I bring life to earth," he said as he planted around his tent in Gaza and celebrated each sprig and sprout. This beautiful, lovable person dead at just 19, is yet another young person who has taught me so much. Whether or not I dedicate anything to him formally, his spirit and optimism will echo in my head whenever I tend to my plants. 

Pic: Late evening light at the garden gate. 


Sarah said...

My favorite nights are family sushi nights.

Nicole said...

I mean, why can't there be a heaven? That's my feeling. Why not? No one can prove otherwise so why not hold onto that comfort? That's my take, anyway.
There is nothing quite as wonderful as growing things.

StephLove said...

While we were in Wheeling last month I happened on an abandoned house in the middle of a park. There was a big patch of mint behind it and it made me wonder about the people who lived there and how long ago they planted the mint that's still thriving there. It felt like it should have been a poem.

StephLove said...

p.s. Do you know the song "Heaven" by Freakwater? It reminds me of what Big A said. It starts,

Heaven is for the weak at heart
And those who never were as smart as me
But I would trade all that I believe
And keep no trick card up my sleeve
Just to know the angels hold you in their arms tonight

maya said...

Mine too! The year the kids got into sushi was huge for us.

maya said...

I'm all for it, Nicole! <3

maya said...

Mint really is forever, Steph. I would love to read your mint poem, Steph...

And also, thank you for sharing the song below... I'm going to look it up right now!

in the leaving and the love

I wrote this as a talisman  to protect my kids a sort of post-it  for peace                             for times parents become            ...