Monday, September 16, 2024

A Nu Name!

Nu's baby name has stayed the same, but their formal name change became legal today! We've been using their new formal name for a few years now, and it suits them so well, so I didn't think I'd get emotional at the court hearing... but of course I did.

It was such a relief to have everything go so smoothly, and it was such a blessing to have the entire experience with our courts--from the filing clerk all the way to the judge--be so respectful, supportive, and affirming. 

The judge took the time to compliment Nu, find out how to correctly pronounce their Sanskrit name, remark upon their smile... They also exempted us from having to publish the name change and sealed the documents as a measure of protection and support for an underage child living out their authentic life. I am so grateful for these kindnesses--I know too many parents from states like Texas and Florida who basically have had to flee as their kids were in danger from the anti-trans laws that have gone into effect over the last couple of years. I wish our experience were more universal.

Nu was sick today and stayed home from school. I kept them fortified with gingery lemon soup, honey tea, and banana muffins (the last item by request). We'll celebrate with a proper celebratory dinner and cake (with our At!) on Wednesday. 

Pic: Nu with Big A at our Zoom court hearing.


Nicole said...

Congrats to Nu on making it official!

Gillian said...


Nance said...

I'm so glad it was a joyful and affirming experience for everyone. Congratulations to Nu on this important event.

Jenny said...

Aw... congratulations to all of you! I'm glad the experience was a good one and it all went smoothly. And yes... be glad you don't live in Florida.

StephLove said...

They look very happy.

Mom of Children said...


Bibliomama said...

Oh, this makes my heart so happy! If only it could be like this for everyone. Congratulations to Nu and your family on being awesome.

maya said...

Thank you, Nicole!

maya said...

Thanks, Gillian!

maya said...

Thanks, Nance! It feels like a very significant before and after... <3

maya said...

Thanks so much, Jenny! (Frightening how things escalated so quickly in some places!)

maya said...

Despite being sick :)

maya said...

Thank you, Daria!

maya said...

Aw-migosh, thank you! We're just loving as we ought to, but I do wish life could be easier for all young people (mine included).

Chiconky said...

YAY!!!! Congratulations!!! Nu’s smile in that picture brings me such joy <3

maya said...

Thank you! And yes about the smile <3

J said...

My sister's youngest is non-binary, and is just starting the process of changing their name. I enjoyed this insight into what a profound change that is for them!

maya said...

All the hearts!! Supportive and welcoming families make such a huge impact!

going on 17

Nu turns 17 tomorrow and they have plans with friends, so we had our family celebration today with pizza, cake, and presents. Nu rarely want...