Monday, July 08, 2024


I turned into a mom-taxi today taking Nu to job interviews and Max to his vet appointment. And while I was out and about, I saw things that terrified me:

* random red and gold leaves on the ground

* all the summer stuff at Target is 50% off and they're stocking the back-to-school displays

* an email reminding me that our opening convocation is on August 21

It's still so bright and lovely out and I haven't done all the summer things and don't want to think of summer ending already. 

(Also despite the four-leaved clovers, the bad luck hits keep coming.) 

I'm going to cover my ears and go la-la-la-la for a while.

Pic: The Red Cedar under a beautiful sky yesterday.


Sarah said...

We are only on day 30/82 over here! I wish retailers would get on board with climate change and adjust clothing seasons accordingly. We are going to need summer stuff until October!

Nicole said...

No way! Summer's just getting started! We will NOT accept this!!!
Good luck to Nu on the job!

Nance said...

June is the only Pure Summer Month left anymore. Once Independence Day is over, retailers move on. I hate that (even though I do get a little bit of a Smug Smile when I see Back To School stuff and I DON'T HAVE TO GO--HOORAY!).

Fingers crossed for Nu that the interview results in an offer.

Dig in and refuse to abandon Summertime! Keep counting fireflies; eat popsicles; sit on patios and decks with adult beverages; wear your sunglasses until 9PM! We WILL have Summer until September.

Gillian said...

Take care.

Jenny said...

Yes, covering your ears and singing loudly should fix everything! Seriously- it is ridiculous to see "end of summer" signs already. Well- the leaves can fall. But the stores- they always have to have some theme, so once 4th of July is over, the next thing coming up is fall. I've always thought it would be so weird to work in retail- "It's December 26! Time to put out the Valentine's Day merchandise!"
Don't worry... there's still plenty of summer left.

NGS said...

I am stressed out about the beginning of the semester and it's still two months away. I just need to breathe away the panic.

StephLove said...

Good luck to Nu.

Even if summer's over for retailers, in reality it is not. Enjoy the month and a half of break you have left.

Mom of Children said...

Back -to-School already??? Gah. Not yet, please not yet!

Some instances of writing I was happy to see today:

*     All the progress I'm making with indexing the book--a task I've never undertaken before. *     The kind, nondramatic way the h...