Sunday, July 28, 2024

And... we're back!

That was basically just a 48-hour vacation--and it was awesome! I feel rested, reset, and ready.

We took a sunset cruise to marvel at the multicolored cliff faces 500 million years in the making last night, slept in this morning, and checked out of our hotel early. We planned to hike at Hartwick Pines on the way home. But when we got there, the visitor center was closed, everything looked deserted, there were no other hikers, the signal for our All-Trails app conked out, and I got a bad feeling in my bones, so I called it off. I felt good about honoring my intuitive sense rather than feeling self-conscious about bailing. Also, I read a review later that mentioned hunters with rifles on the trails, so I'm really glad I did. 

We picked up Culvers for the meat eaters and a Subway for me, and were back in time for a nice dinner reunion with the human and puppy babies.

Pic: From our raucous dinner with friends (CM, SS, and bestie KB) at Torch Lake on Friday.


Nance said...

What a great getaway for you both--and well-deserved. The places you went were beautiful, too. I'm sure being in Nature was restorative.

Good call on nixing the hike and trusting your gut. You still had a great time, and you'd probably have felt worried and preoccupied the whole time if you'd gone.

Gillian said...


StephLove said...

That cruise sounds amazing. Probably a good idea to follow your gut feeling.

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

NGS said...

As soon as the All-Trails app fails, I'm out of there! Way to be smart!

maya said...

It was so good after the stress of the past month, Nance. Nature really is so restorative.

And yes, I didn't think of that, but I would have been on edge the whole time even if nothing terrible happened.

maya said...


maya said...

Steph--They say the best views of the rocks are from the water. Also, I kept wondering if the third coast would make you as happy as the east coast does. :)

maya said...


maya said...

Thanks, Engie. It was a bit creepy. You know... like that moment in a horror movie when you're urging the victim not to do something? lol

Sarah said...

OMG I would have bailed too.

my tiny domestic tragedies

Big A seemed a bit better yesterday. But he didn't think so. I think he likes being taken care of. It makes me think of my hero, June Jo...