Wednesday, July 17, 2024

all's right

Alright. So... While I won't go into too many details, the reason for Big A's hospitalization last week was because when he volunteered for Covid relief in NYC back in May 2020, he'd contracted it there. This was at the height of the pandemic and pre-vaccine--and he's had unusual heart, GI, and dermatological issues since. They seem related, but that's just a vibe at this point because treatment seems frustratingly confined to specific anatomical systems (heart/GI/derm/etc.) and not holistic in the least. 

Anyway, I had a lovely day at home--just excited to be here and even finding doing mundane stuff like laundry oddly--and deeply--satisfying.

Pic: Max and Huckie playing with Big A. It all feels right in my world.


Gillian said...


StephLove said...

I hope you get more interconnected answers soon, but again, we had similar concerns during North's period of paralysis/seizures/inability to urinate. It was all specialists doing what they could about their piece of the problem. What really worked in North's case was psychotherapy because it was all psychological in origin, but that's not the case for A. Are there covid after-effects specialists yet?

Jenny said...

Well, I'm glad you're home and everyone is feeling good now. That does sound like a frustrating situation because it's so vague- not something concrete that already has a protocol in place. Is this considered "long covid?" Or is no one willing to connect all the dots yet? Anyway... I'm glad everything is okay.

Nance said...

It sounds scary and incredibly frustrating. There are still so many unanswerable questions regarding the nature of Covid. I think we're all so used to speedy answers, spoiled by Google. We like things fast--food ready from the microwave in literal minutes or seconds, or waiting for us in a drive-thru window. When we can't get a definitive diagnosis and then a pill, we feel angry and confused--almost cheated.

I hope that there are some effective treatments that can give both of you some comfort and confidence soon. In the meantime I know that you'll be so happy to be back to normal life together.

NGS said...

COVID stuff is so scary. I'm sorry he's still dealing with aftereffects and I hope you're able to find a protocol that prevents him from having to go to the hospital again.

Nicole said...

Non-holistic care is just so frustrating because everything is interconnected, and just looking at one piece of the puzzle does not give a picture.
There is something so calming about mundane tasks, isn't there?

Anonymous said...

Hi Maya - My first time commenting. We actually have some shared elements in our past – Chennai/Holy Angels notably. I think my aunt might have been one of your science teachers.

I just wanted to bring to your attention that East Asian Medicine is very effective in taking a systemic approach to long Covid. I don't know specific practitioners in your area, nor if you are open to more "alternative" modalities, but that is a place that you might consider looking at for more integritive support. It has helped me personally.

Back to my usual anonymity :) but this felt important to share.

maya said...


Steph--I remember that time with North and how you and Beth participated so much with them. (It was the same time as Nu's hospitalization.)

Steph, Jenny, Nance, and Engie--healthcare people are working hard to treat long-Covid/Covid-related aftereffects. But it's so new and each case is so different; there are no easy answers and remedies yet. I wish they had some for us and everyone else...

Nance and Nicole--the normal and mundane seem so splendid after last week. lol

Anon-- I'm so excited that we share some Chennai and Holy Angels connections! I loved all my science teachers Miss Meenakshi (Physics), Mrs. Vasantha (Bio), and Mrs. Sulochana (Chem)... I wondered briefly if you were my friend Sreevidya (who was Mrs. S's niece by marriage), but you're probably younger.

A is a bit skeptic about nonallopathic medicine, but also will do it for me. We go through jugs of tulsi-turmeric root-ginger tea because I think it's good for us :).If you feel like sharing the east-Asian practices that may help us or tell me which teacher was your aunt, you can reach me at :)

in the leaving and the love

I wrote this as a talisman  to protect my kids a sort of post-it  for peace                             for times parents become            ...