Sunday, June 30, 2024


We didn't want to say goodbye, but we did. TJA was going to leave after breakfast, but we kept putting it off and it was lunchtime before we packed up her car for the drive back. On today's walk, while I was telling her about the four-leaved clovers I'd found... we found two more! 

Pic: The Red Cedar on the other side of the Spartan Stadium. Right after I passed this point, my phone was playing a Janet Jackson song and I got a text from TJA which was just... another Janet Jackson song. In retrospect, I guess it's not such a big deal--we're both from that generation--but I was so delighted by what seemed like a magical coincidence when it happened. Like the way we'd burst into goosebumps randomly because of something one of us had said.


Nicole said...

That does sound like a magical coincidence to me! There are so many artists, it's amazing that you both would have the same one at the same time.
Sounds like a lovely weekend!

StephLove said...

Two more! You are all queued up for good luck.

Nance said...

So much serendipity; so much symbiosis. That's a Friend For Life.

Gillian said...


maya said...

Thanks, friends :)!

Some instances of writing I was happy to see today:

*     All the progress I'm making with indexing the book--a task I've never undertaken before. *     The kind, nondramatic way the h...