Friday, April 05, 2024

the calling

some days everything is sacred
the name is the thing

on days Aaron said he had to  
"go run some errands"

our toddler thought he was saying
"go run some Aarons"

those were very Aaron things after all 
I think of how we all

could heed the call to run away, freely
doing things for ourselves
Pic: The Red Cedar on a bright and breezy day on a walk with Big A. Trees are beginning to visibly bud! We stopped midway through the walk to call in our sushi orders to pick up on the way home. It was very nice timing!


Nance said...

I really like this: its inherent message of self-care; the lighthearted memory of a toddler interpreting language; the truth of how men really do tend to do self-centric things; the feminist message that women could take a cue from men and sometimes take some time for themselves. So much in just a few lines! Well done.

Gillian said...


Nicole said...

Go run some Aarons is amazing. I love that so much!

StephLove said...

Cute story and nice message, too.

maya said...

Thank you, friends!! XOXO

Nance--Yes to all that :). Your words reminded me of when A randomly announced he'd decided to train for the marathon. *I* felt like a jerk for not feeling supportive, but it involved hours of training every day, which landed me with additional childcare, housework, and all of that.

NGS said...

Ah, yes, the Aarons of life. We are lucky to have them.

TR said...

Love this!

Today I found...

1) Inside, I've been finding it really hot, so we had to bring up the electric fans from the basement early this year.  2) In my email, ...