Tuesday, March 26, 2024

"smile/what's the use of crying"

It wasn't always cozy and fuzzy, but I felt connected in human ways today:

gave Big A a (long overdue) dressing down... and then later we took a walk and an ussie...

apologized for being/seeming rushed to two students + three friends...

made plans with my girlfriend group + one friend + two colleagues...

reached out to two people who've been uncharacteristically quiet...

pushed through the daily banter to check in for real on my India fam...

Nu was so quiet at dinner time, and while my first instinct was that they were being surly, I kept on with open-ended questions to hear that they've been depressed again. And in a flash of clarity: "it comes and goes, Mama." :/ I would happily take their pain...

Pic: A sweet, sweet note referring to last week's presentation I found at my office door this morning. There are students here whose kind words feel like a commendation. Also, I received an email about being nominated for a state-wide teaching award. I suspect the nomination came from another kind student... and in perfect consonance, at the end of the workday, someone was singing the praises of this student as a student-teacher. How much each of us hurts... how hard we try to be there for each other...  I'm so grateful for the people I know in this life.


Nicole said...

Oh darling Nu. My heart. I'm so sorry they are having depression again.
I am also so grateful for all the wonderful people in my life. Including you! xoxoxo

Gillian said...


StephLove said...

That's a lot of emotional labor in one day. What a lovely note.

I'm sorry about Nu. It's really hard to see them struggle.

NGS said...

It is hard to see our loved ones struggles. Hugs to you as you navigate these troubled times.

maya said...

Thank you, Nicole-- and right back atcha!!!! XOXOXO

Thanks, Gillian!

Steph--it is hard <3

Engie--Thanks, Love.

"is it sad or is it good?"

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