Monday, February 19, 2024


Good:  Big A's test results came back--nothing terrifying to report.
But:     The original symptoms persist. 
Good:  My stretch of overwork and late work evenings is mostly over.
But:     This week I scheduled two more late work evenings for March.
Good:   Participating in a teach-in panel on Gaza with the college YDSA in mid-March.
But:      Worrying about bothsideism from fellow-panelists.
Good:    Big A, Huck, Max, and me on a post-dinner walk with a fabulous sunset ahead of us.
 But:     Don't look too closely at Big A's left hand. Ha.


Nicole said...

I was wondering about the test results. I'm glad there is nothing terrifying BUT that's still concerning, if he is still experiencing symptoms. I hope there are some answers, moving forward.

Nance said...

Love the photo. The "detail" is part of dog walking.

Are you required to have late work evenings? Or are you being extra-accommodating?

I'm sorry that your husband's symptoms persist, yet you're not getting answers. We've been there a time or two ourselves. The body is still a mysterious vehicle. I hope things ease soon.

StephLove said...

As the Billy Bragg song says, you've got to take the crunchy with the smooth.

I'm relieved it's not a worst case scenario with A, and hope you find answers soon.

NGS said...

Diagnosis limbo is so hard. Wishing him the best of luck in getting answers.

maya said...

Thank you, friends.

Nance--I'm being accommodating, I guess. It's not mandated, but there are "expectations."

Sarah said...

Not terrifiying is good!

Gillian said...

Nice photo.

"is it sad or is it good?"

I made time to watch The Goat Life  on Netflix. It's on a dominant South Asian theme (immigrant laborers forced into slavery in Saudi Ar...