Monday, February 26, 2024

a long day's journey

A beautiful moonrise, blue skies, warmer temps, a long walk, winter break. All day, I felt a sense of freedom and hope.

I learned late in the day of Aaron Bushnell's self-immolation with a sinking heart, but also with a sense of awe. What an extremely brave act of solidarity and protest. Culturally, it's a form of protest I'm familiar with--but I keep thinking about this twenty-five-year-old's family, and wonder how they feel... how his mother feels in this moment. In the opening scenes of the news video, he seems completely cognizant and in control of what he's doing, but many outlets are terming it mental illness. Our rhetoric is so messed up--his sacrifice to a just cause is "mental illness," but if he had sacrificed himself for the U.S. military-industrial complex, he'd be a "patriot?" 

Pic: Baker Woods with RS.


Nicole said...

I hadn't heard of this at all, and I don't know how his mother feels, but I can imagine.

StephLove said...

It's tragic. Maybe no more tragic than all the other deaths in the conflict, but still...

The Post's spin on it was that he grew up in a cult ("charismatic sect") he'd left and may have been struggling to find a way to fit into society.

Gillian said...


NGS said...

A cult's a cult in my world - the military, organized religions, a lot of things people don't usually think about encourage groupthink and dangerous (lack of) thinking.

Sarah said...

Such tragedy all around.

maya said...

Nicole--from the news it sounds like they may have been estranged (he grew up in a conservative Christian setting). I am amazed at people like Aaron Bushnell and Tommy Raskin... A bit in awe, really.

Steph--Yeah, the Post really went all in on suggesting he was a kook. As the many mutual aid organizations he'd worked with in San Antonio and Ohio rushed to clarify--he made a place for himself everywhere he went through helping others.

Engie--They NEED to get army recruiters out of high schools! They just prey on vulnerable kids from low-income families.

Sarah and Gillian--indeed :/

BRB: Fake Vacation

Big A is in Phoenix, AZ this week for a conference, and I'm tagging along for the triple-degree temps, museum-ing, hiking, and checking ...