Tuesday, January 30, 2024

headed out

Big A's big medical appointment is next week, and we hope to find out what's going on/why he's losing weight/what to expect in the future/what we can do/etc. We have more questions than the minutes the expert will spend with us, probably.

But in the meantime, we're going to take off for sunny climes for a few days to just... I don't exactly know what... Was it Seneca who said we can change the sky above us but not ourselves? So I guess our worries will come with us, but we'll be worrying under warmer skies? 

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next few days of our tiny break and will catch up with some picture posts when we're back.

Pic: It snowed in the night, and was a picture-perfect winter wonderland as I headed to work this morning. 


Nicole said...

I hope your break is healing to the soul, Maya. I am looking forward to hearing about it! It's so stressful to add health worries to the mix. I understand this so completely. May the medical appointment have answers for you, and may you be able to soak up the sunshine and warmth. xoxoxo

StephLove said...

Pretty photo. Enjoy your getaway and fingers crossed for the appointment.

NGS said...

Good luck to you and Big A! I hope you get all the answers and find a path forward you are comfortable with.

Nance said...

That's a Christmas Card-worthy photo. (But please keep your snow up there! We in NEO do NOT want it.)

I hope you enjoy your warm-weather getaway. And I also hope that you get some concrete answers and plans for treatment for your husband. In the meantime even if you pack your troubles with you, you can at least leave Dealing With Cold at home.

Sarah said...

Hope you're warm and feeling sunny in every sense of the word.

maya said...

Thank you, friends! Out getaway was lovely. Now for the difficult part...

Gillian said...

Good luck.

the many faces of care

We got a new set of knives (X-mas present) that I started using yesterday. I don't know if it was their unfamiliarity or if they're ...