Monday, December 18, 2023

Wild and Precious Life: every day magic

My goodness! First, a (too) generous mention from Nicole... thank you, Nicole! And then this confectioners'-sugar dusting of snow over the day. (Not enough to make me feel like I should shovel or cause any road accidents, but perfect for creating christmassy magic.)

It was too drippy to walk outside so I walked in the mall. And let the record show I spent no money at all. (I did preorder copies of my friend Jan Shoemaker's new book, Slow Learner, at the bookstore, but I'll have to pay only at pickup, so technically I didn't spend today.) And then! I saw JS herself just walking along merrily and got a hug and an update on the wedding she had to attend on Saturday instead of (hmmpf) coming to my cookies and cocktails party. (It was a "dry" wedding she said, making a moue.) A few minutes later, as I was thinking the last time I was at the mall was when we were shopping for JL's mom's birthday...I saw JL! I bet pre-cellphone, 90's teens felt a bit like this when they saw their friends at the mall too.

Pic: Stopping to pick up the mail...


Nicole said...

Meeting at the mall! How very 90s of you. I love it. I am going to look into that book right now!

Gillian said...


NGS said...

I stopped at the mall last weekend (to pick up a golf club that is a Christmas present for my husband - that golf club is STILL in the trunk of our car because I can't figure out how to sneak it in the house because he's always IN THE HOUSE when I am - I do not have a solution for this conundrum) and it was SO BUSY. I have not seen a mall this busy since Christmas season of 1999. Are malls coming back?

Mom of Children said...

Real magic. We need some snow in New Jersey! We only got some flooding yesterday.

Nance said...

And then there's me, who hates seeing people I know when I'm out and about.

I'm getting to be terribly antisocial in My Old Age.

Actually, I think it's a holdover from seeing students out in the wild. They would always stop and talk, but they never really had any idea of what to say. I would end up doing all the polite chatting, and then they would never know how to end it, so I'd also have to be the one to gracefully exit. It was always awkward and worky. Sigh.

maya said...

Nicole--It's from a small press... it would be amazing if your library could order it!
NGS--I think your car is the best hiding place for the club! The mall Santa seemed lonely, but my teen likes to hang out at the mall with friends--may be malls are coming back?! But only ironically, you understand :)?
Mom--I hope you get snow in precisely the quantity you want it :).
Nance--say it ain't so! I get the work-y part... But your students probably idolized you and may have been tongue-tied in your rockstar presence.

Sarah said...

I ONLY see people if I look terrible-- that's the rule **shrug**

maya said...

Nance--I don't know why I was Maya-splaining to you--you know all that already! Sorry! (I've totally been that student though, eager to say hello, but socially awkward around my favorite teachers :) )

Sarah--That's the typical plotline, sadly.

StephLove said...

That's the perfect amount of snow, in my opinion.

maya said...

StephLove--I bet Beth would disagree :).

StephLove said...

You know it.

Sadly, there it isn't supposed to snow at all while we're in WV for Xmas. I would like to see it there. It's so beautiful and it makes her so happy.

going on 17

Nu turns 17 tomorrow and they have plans with friends, so we had our family celebration today with pizza, cake, and presents. Nu rarely want...