Saturday, December 30, 2023


I'm back; it was bad. At least I don't have to do it for another year. I have little recollection of the past 36 hours. I woke up so weak, wobbly, and very sad from my fever dreams.

I would have liked to start the new year with all my household chores completed, but I think I'm going to be easy on myself.

Pic: MIL's sister posted this picture that was taken in 1922 (so over a hundred years old!) of their dad--he's the toddler bottom left. The young boy beside him looks so much like Big A! I think this is the most number of people I've seen in a single photo... I wonder what the occasion was.



Nance said...

So sorry you were left with a bad reaction to your vaccines. As you said, job done for the year. Definitely take it easy and rest; household stuff can wait, and you can certainly enlist a bit of help here and there.

The young girl standing at the far right in the photo is absolutely beautiful. Old photos are captivating to look at, aren't they?

StephLove said...

Sorry it threw you for a loop. Glad you're back and take it easy.

maya said...

Thank you, Nance and Steph.

Nance--Yes, she's absolutely captivating! I find myself hoping she had a good life <3

Gillian said...

Feel better.

Sarah said...

Glad you're back!!

NGS said...

Those stupid COVID vaccines! I've never had one that didn't put me out of commission for at least a day and it's such a miserable experience. Presumably it's better than actual COVID? I dunno. Glad you're feeling better!

mountain peak and a domestic peek

Another early morning hike. The peak was approx 2500 feet above sea level, with the last couple of turns like corkscrews. I caught sight of ...