Saturday, December 16, 2023

it's two o' clock somewhere

Like maybe two or three days ago, I wanted to see my girlfriends and give them their presents and my MIL had sent over a huge box of cookies, so I invited people over for an afternoon of "cookies and cocktails" because I thought that sounded quirky. Since the plan was to start at 2:00, most people could come despite the short notice. 

I cut several sprigs of holly from our overgrown bush in the backyard to slip into little planters and felt very festive. And then it felt a bit naughty (in the nicest way) to add rum to our punch or Bailey's to our cocoa so early in the day.

We played a holiday version of Two Truths and a Lie (or Two Truths and No Lies or just Two Lies--my people don't believe in rules) so people who didn't know each other too well could laugh and commiserate with each other. I like when friends I made in different times and places get to know each other and become friends themselves.

I'm really proud of my cranberry-pistachio shortbread (I added dried rose petals) and the pretty ice ring (to keep the punch cold--I didn't have a "ring mold" so I used a bundt pan). Bonus: Planning and pulling everything off took up so much of my brain space that I didn't have time to worry about stuff. I keep telling myself that celebrations are good, that we should all be celebrating, and we should celebrate for those who are unable to. 

It felt good to celebrate and be with the wonderful women who have all done me so much kindness and supported me in so many ways through the years. They are life-sustaining in a quite literal sense for me.
The only thing is everyone brought cookies too, and although I sent people home with treat bags, we still have more than we started with. 

Pic: A shot Nu took when they snuck in to help themselves to more cookies. I can see my ice ring in the foreground (in my soup bowl pressed into service as a punch bowl), and me in the background (talking with my arms).


StephLove said...

Those cranberry-pistachio shortbread cookies look divine. And what a festive ice ring. You really go all out even for last-minute gatherings.

Nance said...

What a beautiful bowl. The place looks so festive and welcoming. I'm sure everyone had a wonderful time.

Gillian said...


Nicole said...

Oh, Maya, this sounds so delightful. Cookies and cocktails at 2pm is really my kind of party. Oh, how wonderful to have such friends!

NGS said...

Your house looks so warm and inviting! I'm jealous of all your guests who got to play fun games with you.

maya said...

I would have *loved* for all of you to have been there! You are life-sustaining too <3.

StephLove, Nicole, NGS--There must be a way to have an online party sometime, right?

Nance--Thank you! I love that bowl... it's made in Tunisia... and I got it at T.J. Maxx for 14.99! (I don't know if my deflection represents the immigrant in me or the midwesterner in me. Haha.)

Sarah said...

This is perfect!

Mother's Day mess: It's a fine one, don't worry!

MIL was in town, so we had a big Mother's Day brunch like we used to have when we lived in Yellow Springs. I dug up some Lily of the Val...