Tuesday, September 05, 2023

yesterday's sunrise

frees the cynical coals flaring
in my heart
blesses the vermillion wounds 
of my soul
speeds  in a blessed contagion 
to forgive
the fragile futures I've outlived


Pic: Yesterday's sunrise over Mackinaw Island bay. Water and celestial bodies make me so happy! The birds on the water are geese, not swans, but the scene reminded me of Yeats's "The Wild Swans at Coole."


Gillian said...

Very nice.

Nicole said...

Beautiful photo and poem!

StephLove said...

I like the idea of outliving a future. I'm taking it to mean something you thought would happen that didn't.

maya said...

Thanks, Gillian and Nicole!
StephLove--yes. Many expectations and assumptions and especially about Scout. I feel like I'm being tedious about it, but it hurts every day.

drop by drop

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