Saturday, September 30, 2023

O M G(anesha)

We have little Ganeshas all over the house and at least once a year, they get sprinkled with rosewater, decorated with turmeric and kumkum, and offered fresh flowers and berries. 

Today was that day. (We usually do this on Ganesh Chaturthi, but that was a working day + At was traveling.) 

The kids have always liked the thrill of seeking out the Ganeshas in every room. Some have been in the same place forever--like the big Ganesha in the vestibule, but many get moved around when I rearrange, and some--like the Ganesha in a rocking chair I picked up over the summer's trip to India--are new.

This year, I offered a cash prize to the kid who guessed how many Ganeshas we have. We have 30 Ganeshas! There were some rascally disputes about who guessed what--so they both split the grand prize. (It was a 20; I am so money 😂.) (Also: I just remembered that we missed the Ganeshas in the basement!)

Pic: At and Nu with offerings for Ganesha. Huck and Max are here because they love banana, dried mango, and pumpkin cookies.


Nicole said...

I just love your rituals and celebrations so much! Love the Ganeshas.

Gillian said...

Happy celebration.

StephLove said...

Sounds like a fun tradition

Sarah said...

What a lovely little celebration. Love the cash prize-- reminds me of finding the afikomen

maya said...


NGS said...

What a fun celebration. Also, funny what a little cash incentive will do to get kids involved, isn't it?

StephLove said...

Nice family traditions.

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