Saturday, August 05, 2023

living loud

When Big A texted at 10 past midnight to see if I was still up, I texted this picture of family waving back at him--it's only ten past midnight, everyone's still here! 

You won't find Nu in this picture because it's late and they'd had their fill of social interaction. 

And you won't find At in this picture because their fever had spiked and they're in bed after we went to the hospital earlier in the evening for a consult, tests, and antivirals. (There's a chance it could be dengue, although we haven't been bitten by a single mosquito, and of course it could be Covid--either of which could complicate things by a whole lot.)

I've had some lovely conversations with my dad on this trip thanks to his amazing new hearing aid. This morning he was telling me about a sib who died in infancy and their family dog who died from grief soon after (that's the family story, anyway), and I started to cry about Scout. My dad was upset about making me cry, but actually, it was such a relief to be able to do any of this--talk to my dad, talk about Scout, hear a story I've heard 10,000 times before, etc. 

Pic: Part of my loud and lovely family. The sheet of paper in VM's hand is a blueprint for the big family reunion being planned for next year. (Bangalore)


Nicole said...

Oh gosh, I hope At is okay!
I'm so happy for you and for being able to communicate with your dad.

maya said...

Thank you, Nicole. Hearing loss is a special kind of loneliness... I'm so happy for these moments with my dad.

StephLove said...

Yes, my mom's hearing is declining and her hearing aids don't work perfectly (when she wears them). This trip it was noticeably harder to have conversations with her than the last time I saw her (last September).

Gillian said...

Very nice picture.

NGS said...

Wow! What a big gathering. It must feel amazing to be surrounded by so many loved ones. I do hope At is okay. It's so sad to be sick on a trip!

maya said...

StephLove--"when she wears them." I know exactly what you mean. Hugs.

Thanks, Gillian!

NGS--It is absolutely amazing! My kids are the ones who usually don't have aunts/uncles/grandparents at their school events, so I'm glad for them to be so loved here.

Sarah said...

I love everything about this-- awesome picture, too.

standing in beauty

I saw the most amazing early morning skies over the Maple River as I headed to work today, and had a feeling it would be the harbinger of a ...