Friday, August 04, 2023

here we are...

We always talk late into the night and wake up at dawn; there's always jokes, and teasing, and stories we've all heard a ton of times and laughing a lot for no good reason. 

And it's about being so looked after that people will do things that might seem silly. My aunt was worried that the cooks would absent-mindedly use mustard (At is allergic) that she took all the mustard out of the kitchen and put it all in her bedroom! Of course, we kept teasing her about it all day.

Pic: Dad, At, me, AA, VM, Nu, mom, and sis. 
I'm in a formal saree because I'm headed off to give a talk at Stella Maris, my undergraduate college in Chennai!  At is a bit under the weather today (hence the mask).


StephLove said...

That's sweet about the mustard. Hope At is feeling better soon. I hope your talk went well.

Nicole said...

Awww, I love that mustard detail. Best of luck with your talk!

NGS said...

What a lovely snapshot into your trip! I hope the talk went well!

maya said...

Thank you, friends!

The talk went well, and we have plans to collaborate with Michigan students in the future!

the many faces of care

We got a new set of knives (X-mas present) that I started using yesterday. I don't know if it was their unfamiliarity or if they're ...