Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Day One

I'm sharing Nu's first day of school pictures with so much hope this year, may the universe be good to this child. On FB, I wrote: The tee says "gloomy," but the smile seems to say "ready." Hopeful!

I watched from the end of our driveway as Nu chatted with bus stop friends and the bus showed up on time. When the bus doors close, Joni's always in my head singing "and a big yellow school bus took my little baby away." Mostly icebreakers and fun at school today, apparently. So far, so good.

For me: A detox/day off. I hiked with Big A this morning (eight+ miles) and we took a long soak. Then a CASA meeting, puttering around with online work, house chores, ordering stuff online for other families needing stuff for back-to school, a call with an old student, etc.; pokè delivery (Nu's choice) for dinner.

Pic: Screen-grab from my FB post. Each time someone wished Nu, it felt like a blessing.


StephLove said...

I'm glad the first day went well. I'm kind of on eggshells about North going back to (almost) full-time in-person school next week. They've been out or hybrid since October.

Nicole said...

Sending all the love and good thoughts for a wonderful year for Nu!

Gillian said...

Good luck with everything.

NGS said...

My husband has a Gloomy Bear doll on his office desk. That is all. Maybe Nu will turn into an eccentric political theorist when they grow up.

maya said...

Thank you, StephLove, Nicole, and Gillian!
StephLove, I hope North has an happy reentry for senior year. They've worked so hard for it.
NGS--May it be so! They're very interested in law/social justice so it seems a worthy goal.

colorless green idea

The more things change...  the more they are changed , I guess?  Pictures of me passed ou t with puppies on top  aren't new... but this...