Friday, June 09, 2023

so close

I dreamed these walls  myself
my body punished by my will
triumphant, exalted, indelible
returning excuses to their core

other words are still wondering
on  pages or screens--no  matter
my meaning sputters on oblique
margins, vanishing on the shore
Pic: Cherries are almost ripe for plucking! I plucked a few today anyway because between the birds and the squirrels, waiting until they're really ripe might mean no cherries at all. There's plenty to go around, after all. (Why are the little creatures so wasteful though? It's like they take one peck/nibble and then it's on to the next cherry.)


Nicole Boyhouse said...

Those silly birds! So wasteful!

Nicole MacPherson said...

Ahhhh I am so sorry, that last comment was me. My son didn't log out of his account when I logged in. I'm not Snake Jake!

StephLove said...

Is that cherry tree on your property? How fun. Isn't Michigan famous for cherries?

maya said...

Snake Jake--Hahaha!
(Nicole--it showed up under your name after all!)

StephLove--Yes... we have two trees that blossom, but only the white one fruits. Michigan is famous for cherries, and they're my favorite... but our fruit is not sweet enough for me. Still there is some excitement every year when we see fruit.

Gillian said...

Hope it is sweet.

I guess we're not in Michigan anymore

Pic: A very different terrain from our usual hikes. It was uphill all the way (and somehow both ways) at the South Mountain trails today.  M...