Wednesday, May 31, 2023


Today I was busier than anyone ought to be at the start of summer--but there were huge deadlines to meet. And although I'd been working on them steadily for the past week, the final steps were still due. 

All done now (3:12 am): submitted MCTE materials, turned in Spring Term grades, approved pending NWSA proposals (and created and titled about twenty panels). Not a bad day's work. 

Remember when I wanted to set a timer to take regular breaks? Turns out I don't have to if there is a puppy who needs frequent potty breaks. So I got outside a lot too--it was gloriously summery.

Pic: Max gamboling. When you're so little, you can just slip through the fencing where mom's flowers are...


GIllian said...

Funny puppy.

StephLove said...

It's good Max is getting you out of your chair and outside.

NGS said...

Dogs are great for mental AND physical health. Whenever people talk about their health woes, I always (mostly silently) think a dog would solve a lot of issues!

maya said...

Seriously! Funny... and energizing... and helping me live healthier.

Sarah said...

So sweet!

a night different from others: four answers to questions unasked

1) The MSU Gaza solidarity encampment moved indoors a couple of times yesterday because of storms but was back outside today. Morale is high...