Sunday, May 07, 2023

balance sheet

Things I've done: Stocked the fridge, used up all the fridge veggies, watered all my plants, finished class prep for the next week, talked with/texted everyone, cleared brush, distributed the morels we found yesterday, read a ton, cried about Scout, spent extra time with Nu and Huck, fought with Big A, made up with Big A, took long soaks and longer walks...

Things I've not done: actually packed for the two-week trip to the UK my students and I are leaving on tomorrow. Yikes.

Pic: Walk with L in Baker Woods. Trillium in the foreground! L and I found this patch right as we were wondering if we would see some. It was like we had magically summoned them. Trillium! 


Nicole said...

Oooh the packing! Good luck getting organized for your trip - it sounds like you are really organized, actually. The packing will be a snap! I hope! Have a great trip, my friend. xo

Gillian said...

Good Luck.

NGS said...

I find it challenging to pack until the morning of the trip because you still need the bathroom things! You got this!

maya said...

I'm all packed... now I have nothing to do until Big A takes me to the airport in an hour except worry about the million different things that could go wrong in the next couple of weeks :)!!

Sarah said...

So fun!! Can't wait to hear about it

Some instances of writing I was happy to see today:

*     All the progress I'm making with indexing the book--a task I've never undertaken before. *     The kind, nondramatic way the h...