Monday, May 15, 2023

Hyde Park Time

In honor of being at Speakers' Corner, everyone recited a small piece from a famous Hyde Park speaker. It's always interesting what people choose--we heard a variety from Pankhurst to Orwell.

I remember specifically asking people to memorize their bit, and... some didn't. I need to sit with why I feel so irritated by this.

I don't feel well today. + I'm at that point in the trip where I'm seriously counting down how long before I get to go home. A week is the upper limit of time I can spend away before the experience begins to pall. 

Pic: Our picnic at Hyde Park. 


Nicole said...

Oh, I hope you feel better today, Maya. xo

StephLove said...

Presumably it was because you saw value in memorization. How long is your trip?

NGS said...

It's a long time to be away from home and routine. You can do it!

maya said...

It got better by the end, Nicole. I had to take action to ensure it.
StephLove--yes! It was an instruction not a suggestion. Here till Monday.
NGS--You nailed it with "routine." I miss it! Thank you for your faith :).

Sarah said...

Such lovely pictures, but I know the exact feeling you describe. I am doing a class development thing on campus this week, and I miss my house-- even though I get to ho home every night. Hang in there.

maya said...

Thanks, Sarah!

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